Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Marketplace of love

Right now, there is someone who has access to me 24X7, unless I absolutely cannot help it. I am always just a message away for her. I respond to every message or mail from her. I will pick up her call at any time, and call her back if she wants me to. I step out of meetings to talk to her. I think of her in meetings and cannot concentrate on the task at hand. I enjoy doing things for her, and just wait for an opportunity. I'd even fly half-way or full-way around the world for her.

Right now, there are also people who don't get an email response from me for a few days or even weeks. There are people who are not able to talk to me on the phone despite repeated attempts on their part. There are people who'd just love it if I gave them time and attention, but I just seem to be too busy doing other stuff. There are people (my family, for example) who don't hear from me for days, weeks, months even. It's not that I don't want to do these things, I do. It's not that I don't like these people, I like them. It's just that I "don't have enough time"!

The irony is that the person to whom I am available now, is not too keen on me. The bigger irony is that just a few months ago, she would have been very happy if I had given her my time and attention. At that time, I "did not have enough time". I deeply regret "not having enough time" then. And, I will probably regret not having enough time now for people who'd like it now.

Love is more of a marketplace than we think. Greater the supply, lesser the demand.

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