Sunday, May 06, 2007

Google Lucky

A webpage is said to be Google Lucky if it shows up when you enter a phrase in the Google search engine and click on the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

A person is said to be Google Lucky if the person's homepage shows up when you enter the person's name in the Google search engine and click on the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.

I am Google Lucky for the search phrase, "libran lover". When you enter it in the Google search engine and click on the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button, you come straight to the homepage of this blog.

Apart from the homepage, this blog has at least two other Google Lucky pages. There may be more that I am not aware of. Click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button for the search phrase, "dating Indian men", and you are presented with this page: Dating Indian Men I. Do the same for the phrase, "innocent flirting", and you get this page: Innocent Flirting or Mental Foreplay?

The above two Google Lucky pages on this blog are examples of making it to the top of the Google results based on the strength of the content. I did not consciously incorporate any Search Engine Optimization (popularly known as SEO) techniques into those pages.

Let me know if you discover more Google Lucky pages on this blog.

Oh, by the way, I came up with the phrase, "Google Lucky", on my own today. However, googling for that phrase, I did discover that other people have been using it before me. Now, let's see, if this particular blog post can get Google Lucky for the phrase, "Google Lucky".

Update on 7-May-2007: Found a couple more Google Lucky pages on this blog.
  • "Causes of eve teasing" will take you to this page: Root Cause of Eve Teasing in India.

  • "Som Mittal" will take you to Corporate Reaction to a Rape. I guess you could say that Som is Google Unlucky because that page is not his homepage, and it is certainly not flattering to him. Imagine his clients searching for him on Google, and this page coming up as the top result! It's a sobering reminder of how powerful a mere individual's webpage can be on the Internet.


  1. I'm afraid to share the phrases I'm Google Lucky for!

  2. I'm google lucky for sporadicblogger :B hehehe


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