Sunday, June 08, 2008

Wedding Attendance by Proxy!

By now, I am pretty much used to being assigned the photographer's role at various events I attend - company events, events at the local temple, events hosted by friends and colleagues, etc. Today might have been my strangest photography assignment so far.

My neighbor, who is alone in his house right now as his wife is on a visit to India, called me over to take a "family photo". I went over and found him dressed formally in a suit, as if he was attending a wedding reception. I was wondering how this guy expected me to take a family photo, while he is the lone person in the house right now.

Turns out that my neighbor's wife is in India for her brother's wedding. They want to take a full family photo at the wedding and they want the family photo to include my neighbor, who is here in the US. So, the idea is to take a photo of him alone here and email it to the wedding photographers in India. They will then paste him into the family photo they snap at the wedding in India.

I can't wait to see how the results turn out.


  1. I can't decide if that's creepy or sweet :)

  2. Hmmmm....they wish he was there, and want to fake his presence?

    Never heard of this before. Interesting, LL!


  3. Tanya,

    The wedding was in India. My neighbors lives here in the US. I am guessing that he either could not take the days off to visit India or it was too expensive for him, or both.



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