Saturday, March 05, 2005

To My Users: Take your business elsewhere!

Dear Users,

Just a note requesting you to stop using me and take your business elsewhere. I wish I could tell this to you personally, but I don't have the heart... nor the guts, I suppose.

You know who you are. If not, check the following list. If one or more of the following applies to you, then this note is addressed to you.
  1. You disappear for days, months or even years, with barely a word to me, and then when things are no longer going well, you come back seeking my time, attention, friendship, advice, comfort, whatever.
  2. You hardly remember me or think about me when things are going well. You get in touch with me only when things go bad or you are absolutely bored and don't know what else to do. You disappear again the moment things get better for you.
  3. It has been a long time since you truly and genuinely wanted to know how I am doing. Even if we keep in regular touch, you don't know exactly how I am.
  4. You almost never make time for me. You talk about doing it. But I am the least priority in your busy life, coming even after the hospice for which you volunteer or the refugees to whom you teach. So, of course, you can never find time for me. But when you need my time, you just come and take it for granted, without knowing that even I have a busy life and I make time when friends need it.
  5. You flirt, suggest, lead me on, use me for your amusement, use me when you need help, use me when you are feeling low and need a "lift", use me when you want to be reassured that you are still attractive, desirable and have a nice ass.
I admit that I have allowed myself to be used. I did that partly out of love and equally hoping that I would get your nice ass. Now that we know there is no chance of my getting your love or your ass, I ask that you take your business elsewhere. Let me save my time and energy for those users whom I can't avoid (my employer, for example) and for those few people who have some love and some ass for me.

I am starting to feel bitter towards you. Let's stop this before I start hating you.

So long.



  1. Whoa! I wonder who she is!?

  2. Thanks! I am sure that sets things in the right perspective. Introspect and wonder why I am like that. With you, there is no comfort no friendship no genuine love without u expecting anything. Cant do any of that when still healing. Thought you were above all this but you are just another guy... with the same damn expectations... with the same damn goal! Good Bye

  3. seems that *she* found your post!


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