Friday, April 01, 2005

A man & woman have the same IQ score; is the woman smarter?

If a man and a woman have the same IQ score, is the woman smarter?

I think, she is.

It is not a trick question or answer, nor is it an April Fool's joke. Here's my theory:

Almost all IQ tests I have seen are oriented more towards evaluating left-brain (masculine, logical, mathematical) intelligence. There is little or no evaluation of the right half of the brain (feminine, intuitive, artistic). Most people would agree that women have a more active right brain than men. So, if a man and a woman have the same IQ scores, their left-brain intelligence is almost same. Since the woman's right brain is probably more active than the man's, over-all, the woman is probably smarter.

PS1: Like everything, there are surely exceptions to this theory also.

PS2: My theory does not claim that women are smarter than men, in general. It is just that the IQ tests are designed that way. Not only are the tests partial to the left-brain activity, they are also partial towards certain cultures and languages.


  1. why, that sounds just about fair as a theory! hi btw--am pepster/pepsi/peptobismol wotever from DSS--hope to see you around much!

  2. nice theory dude...welcome aboard...

  3. Perhaps its safer then to say that women are more perceptive than men...or even intuitive. Intelligence is a rather wide umbrella dont you think...and as you say...there are plenty or exceptions to every theory.

    Now you have me wondering about women and their ability to multi task...that should definitely count eh?? Ooops gotta sarson-da-saag need a stir...;-))

  4. hey,
    so you're finally here. Be seeing you around. Wont comment on the IQ as i am the court jester :)

  5. hey AS, welcome to the asylum, buddy.. interesting blog to start with. I think theres quite a bit of research done to corroborate the claim that men are left-brain centric and woman use right lobe more than left (though I think the differnce is not as sharp as men's usage difference). But am not sure if IQ tests are the best way to measure intelligence (assuming of course that you can define intelligence, to begin with)

  6. chay, interesting you mention multi-tasking.. I read somewhere women are indeed better at multi-tasking than men, while men tend to be better at things that require focus. I think the explanation went back to women gathering food and handling children simultaneously, while men concentrated on hunting, which requires focus.

  7. Void...I completely agree...
    While women are capable of random thinking on different levels, men are analytical and logical. Men use bullet points...and women, well at first glance they seem confused, but they somehow manage it all. But that cannot be attributed to intelligence per se. It just is the way women are wired...I am sure medical science can give enough explanations as to the whys and hows.
    Truth is I find that intelligence is abstract...I have found intelligence in illiterates who have never stepped out of the boundaries of their villages...and complete idiots in the hallways of IITs...Ok, I think I have rambled on enough...Chay will have to shut up....:)))

  8. LibranLover,

    Read your another post on 30+ and...IQ..correlation

    Well, I am a woman in late 20. I can safely say that at certain time of month which of course before menstrual cycle, mind gets hazy, flimsy and in perpetual state of irritation out of the hazed state. Emotions run amuck But after it passes, I can shoot an arrow right on the dot.

    Its the curse. Sometimes I wish, if there was someone to understand this. It may be a wish of many other women.


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