Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Two-Minute Cooking School 4: 7-Layer Dessert

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Dinesh and his wife Shilpi from whom I got this recipe. They served this dessert at a dinner in their home, and I had them pack most of the left-over dessert to take home with me.

* Chocolate-chip cookies.
* Coffee decoction - instant coffee is quite fine.
* Cake - angel food cake works best.
* Sliced fruit - apples, bananas, strawberries (your choice).
* Custard.
* Nuts - pecans and walnuts are great.
* Chocolate syrup/sauce.

The following pictures were taken when Ginkgo and I made this dessert for a recent potluck party. You may click on the pictures to view them in bigger size.

Chocolate-chip Cookie Layer
Lay out chocolate-chip cookies at the bottom of the tray/container. Break them if you feel the need.

Coffee Decoction Layer
Pour luke-warm coffee decoction over the cookies and soak. Not so much coffee that cookies turn into mush!

Angel Food Cake Layer
Lay out half-inch thick slices of angel food cake on top of the chocolate-chip cookies and coffee.

Fruits Layer
Lay out slices of fresh cut fruits of your choice. Apples, bananas and strawberries used here.

Custard Layer
Pour custard on top of the fruit slices, covering the fruits completely.

Angel Food Cake & Nuts Layer
Cover the fruit slices and custard with another layer of half-inch thick slices of angel food cake. Spread out nuts (pecans and walnuts used here) on top of the cake.

Chocolate Layer - Final Dessert
Pour chocolate syrup or sauce (melted chocolate will do) on top of the cake and nuts.

Final Note: Avoid inter-mixing of layers. Refrigerate for a couple of hours or more. 7-Layer Dessert is ready!

Two-Minute Cooking School: Prospectus


  1. Good Job man..

    Wish I did take some home that day..:-)

  2. yummm..
    i will make this.

  3. Dude,
    I made this dessert this wekeend for a small get-together. The dessert was a big hit and every one wanted to know the recipe :). Expect a hike in the number of hits to your blog :).


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