Thursday, July 24, 2008

I HATE Women

I hate women. The depth of my hatred cannot be matched by any misogynist. It is a passionate hatred which can only be born from the hurt of a Lover.


  1. Great. I hate men. Especially a particular Indian man who broke my heart. A man who brought up marriage and children less than two months after we started dating, who flew me to the east coast after he left the city I live in (after a post doc gone wrong)to stay with him and his brother (no less), who had to leave for India on my birthday, who chatted with me thereafter and asked me if I could come to India in July (I couldn't, I'm going in October)to meet his family and then...and then...broke up with me. Said we're at different points in our lives. just like that. Of course, I'm still one of his dearest friends, yada yada yada. I hate men, especially him. I hate him, I love him.

    I also adore your blog, which I've been reading for a couple of months or so. I'm sorry to hear you are with me right now.

    Take care, LL. Based on your blog, at least, I think you're a great catch.

  2. It pains me that you feel this much hurt inside, please don't judge all women on this experience... some of us are nice and decent... but it would seem that decent men and women alike do not attract their similar mates, but for some reason we gravitate to those that can inflict more pain upon us... is this a self fullfilling prophecy I wonder sometimes? I hope your pain eases soon.

  3. I understand what you mean about the passion behind the feeling. You can only hate something you love to begin with, everything else is just indifference.

  4. Oh! How come? You are a dating expert and you hate women??!! Hmm interesting !!

  5. My fellow Libran! I hate all guys, but especially Indian ones. Enough said.

  6. I am sorry to hear your heart has been broken. Not all of us women are cruel or mean.
    I have read many of your blogs and can see your depth, passion, caring and insight into relationships. There is a woman out there who will appreciate all that you offer.

  7. I hate women now. I've always hated the modern independent woman even as a child. I miss the old days of 20 years ago when I was small and everything was so easy. Men had their work. Women had theirs. It's so hard for me to work with women. Is this normal?

    I hate modern women.

  8. i hate women for they are the most selfish of all and miost untrustworthy of all creatures. True only unto themselves and cold and calculating as snakes. Over and over they lie and decieve and cheat and focus on themselves. I HATE..I once loved for 11 yrs till she showed me what women are trul;y....whores, liars, over and over have I seen it to be true. over and over stepped on and uswed....I HATE AND LOATHE

  9. Yeah, I hate women. They do tend to be incredibly selfish, especially vegetarians with causes. They LOVE talking about what cause they support but focus entirely on themselves. You would think social activism would indicate a caring person. You would be wrong. God, the last girl I dated dumped me for a professor who is old enough to be her father. I hope she realizes that she is a piece of arm candy for a middle aged man. She thinks she is up above the grad students now. That he is with her because of her mind. Little does she know she is a shallow bimbo who can talk a good game about Orientalism, but is basically an intellectual imperialist. Her thesis was about the Indian story of The Transposed Heads. A woman doesn't like her lovers body, but digs his mind. She switches his head with that of a farmhand. I can see how this would appeal to a girl like her. It is "empowering" which translates to hateful toward anything with a penis. Modern women in college tend to use their feminist theories to rationalize any crummy behavior they want. They're "free". Right. Your freedom is a joke. I hope you die alone, unmourned and unloved. A professor I still can't believe what a little red haired cliche she turned out to be.

  10. Women are whores by nature. There are cheap whores and expensive whores. The cheap ones are the prostitutes. The expensive ones are the wives and girl-friends.

    It has always been like this. In the past, men knew this well and controlled them. They gave them a life but at the price of being controlled and working at home. Cooking for them, raising their children, cleaning and washing for them. That was a fair deal.

    Modern men have been defeated by women. They have become silly, insecure and weak. They keep paying for having a woman but they get nothing in return but humiliation and robbery of everything they may own. They won't cook for them, won't clean or wash for them. Will steal their money, children and house.

    Every woman knows all of this. They know much better than men, who have become completely stupid. And they will always deny.

  11. i fuckin hate woman. the fuckin stupid whores .. fuck feminism, woman will always be second to men.. thats just the way it is. fuckin lesbian feminist twats burn in hell - andy

  12. I hate women as well. I'm glad i've finally found some like minds. Liars , cheats, & self-centered cunts...

  13. I hate know they reject men who are perfect and go behind guys who cheat them...I always wanted to fall in love with only girl in my life and all these years of my life i was dreaming about her and only thinking about my Imaginary life partner...I never even used to admire the beauty of any other women because i never wanted to cheat her even with my eyes...this was my love for her..I met her by coincidence on orkut and i have only mailed her till now through gmail ..i haven't even seen how she would be..i found her date of conception through a website ..she was conceived on the day i was born..and all i could think of was that she was born for me and from then on i fell in love with her...I loved her so much..but she is not realising my value..I don't want to boast but let me tell you all my friends like my character..I was doing every thing at the right time..serious when i am serious and humourous most of the times..i was a model,good at playing a variety of music instruments..good at painting, poetry, singing, dancing, football, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, karate..god blessed me with these talents...i use to behave so manly and decent,i never to enjoy the beauty of other girls because i thought it was so cheap behaving that way..but these girls go behind cheap guys...I don't know whats wrong with them..I hate women...Now i cant get back the virginity of 1st love and i only wanted to marry the girl whom i first fall in love the chance is gone..i would never marry anyone blood boils now when i look at a women..

  14. I'm a woman, and I hate women so much I refuse to have female friends. Very few of us are intelligent and honest.

  15. I have no use for a woman except for sex. I have never hit one, never been mean to one, always respected the and have attempted to be easy to get along with them. They use men for whatever they can. They expect a man to be a gentleman and elevate them, all the while they are working in thier heads how to be a ruler over them. They use sex as a control over men and we are idiots for allowing it. It is no wonder some men beat the shit out of them. I don't want to hit or beat the shit out of them but I could definately see them as nothing more than personal sex slaves and that is it. Fuck em and forget them. Wome are even more backbiting to each other. They are pieces of shit scaped off the ass of a warthog.

  16. males have bonds more stronger the the female bond a true male bond is a brotherly.. like they are familey someone you can vent and even cry to..women use man as sex slaves and use them so much.. (the nick name for a male is a tool) thats why women are so sneaky...the real sex that is being degraded is males....becuase females always think we dont under stand...NO THAT IS SO WRONG THEY ARE THE ONES WHO DONT UNDERSTAND

  17. Women should be kept in POW style camps from birth to reproductive age, their eggs harvested for articifial reproduction and then exterminated.

  18. I don't understand why some women give me the right signals when all they end up doing is turning cold on me. One of them even had a guy on 'reserve', poor fellow had no idea whether she was his or not. Fuckin women, some of them don't know what they want. And the brilliant ones are drowning in men. Please get real ladies, please.

  19. I am sorry you all hate women soo much...I agree though that a lot of them are selfish etc. I hate men also....but deep down I know there are some good ones out there...truth is most people are selfish....rarely do people act without a selfish reason...they may not even realize it. I found this site by googling I hate indian Right now I don't hate all men just a certain race of them and even their whole culture! : )

  20. I hate women as well. If you don't really like them let alone love them they will beg for you to keep them. If you fuckup and actually start caring for one they think you are weak and bolt for the door. Moral of the story is treat them like shit to keep them. (Thats not what I want to do but women seem to need it.)

  21. Nearly everyONE... *Ahum* EveryMAN here is bashing on women... but fear not for I am a woman bashing on both genders! Selfish, conceited, self-centered, arrogant, lying, pig-headed, pompous, the lot of you all. Men AND women. I have been wronged by a boy not yet a man, so much so that I do not trust my heart much less my feelings or thoughts to another. But don't get me wrong either. Most girls/women are dispicable creatures as well. Money hungry, possessive, lying, controlling bitches. Only looking for the 'best' for THEM. Never concerned about another's well-being. Again... do not get me wrong but THERE ARE people like me that value others for who they are and not what they represent. I find it hard to trust another man, much less woman equivalent as a friend, because of how selfish humans can be. The thought of rating some soul based on monetary value, sexual gratification, income, possessions, social status... ALL of that nonsensical bull just sets me off and makes me wish I was never born because everywhere you look and turn, no matter how far you go... It seems you can never get away from all this barbaric and neanderthalic behavior! It drives me nuts to believe that I live on the same plane as these people and still exist. Sad really. I have long since given up my hope on humanity. All I can hope for is either another mass genocide/Hitler based on this or another mass extiction. For all you single people out there, stay that way... Unless you find another partner, then be very wary. Men - I understand your point of view although I have never met any of you on here I assure you that there are women like me that feel the same. I cannot tell you how far and few between women like me are though. I have yet to meet someone that would make me feel like a grand no matter what. And no I don't mean wasting your hard earned money or taking me for all you have. Just making me feel like I mattered and made a difference in someones life. Women - I am not sure what to say... I've met soo many that mean nothing and fake everything. Only about 2 out of the forever many that feel the same. Its hard for me to root for either side because both are nearly the same in selfish behavior. Although again if you, feel as I do, guard you heart and har earned money wisely. Message if you want :) My mind won't change.

  22. I hate some woman. I hate them because they are such lying,whoring, cheating bastards. They are soo selfish and just play with your feelings, seriously. They think just because of their beauty they can get any man. Newsflash..NOT TRUE. They are soo immature. They should grow up.

  23. Yeah, well I hate everybody! So there!

  24. Women are worthless whores that want man to love them more than god. They actually think we are stupid enough to believe that they love us more than god does. When they realize it's useless to compete with the ultimate power they go for another cock. As if this is supposed to hurt us or something.

  25. Whoops I forgot it also shows and reinforces what the bible says about adam and eve how women are really the culprit of true evil. it makes men hate them more and look totally foolish. I dont even think I can find one worthy of pissing in thier mouth.

  26. LOL@Women.. all they do is BLEED all over the floor, how freakin pathetic.

    I used to be respectful to women. I'll never be the nice guy ever again. I will use and play every women I encounter from now until the day I pass on because they are whores and bleed on my sheets.

    Woman have not done a thing in our past history worth of deserving of their praise. Men have created everything we see and have fought to keep it that way. Women "use" men's advances and expect us to gravitate towards them. I spit on them, I curse them, I will sleep with them and thier best friend and never call them ever again.

  27. well, this took a turn for the scary! we come here to vent on your blog, lover, i am sorry for this. if anyone trusts anyone else then they set themselves up for a fall. whereever you are, delilah (probably in the arms of some romantics professor) know your name could not have been better chosen. i despise you both. leave the other girls from the department out of your coniving threesome plans! we all know what u r doing in there! lecherous sleaze that you are....

  28. If I could lay eggs and have a child asexually I would.

  29. anonymous,

    Note sure if you are a guy or a gal, in either case, you can get a child without having sex or laying eggs. If you are a girl, you could go for artificial insemination, and if you are a guy, you could simply adopt a child.


  30. I'm tired of the whole bullshit theory of "finding love," it's a pipe-dream that only comes true if you FORCE it to. I can't believe I never saw it to begin with. You women say one thing, but you go another way. How in the hell can you expect to find this so-called, pathetic thing called "True Love" if you won't give a decent, hard-working, loyal guy a chance. Yeah sure there are a lot of ass-holes among us men, but I know that I'm not the only guy that isn't like, as you so grouped us together, "all the other men." All I want is to be left alone forever. Hell if finding love is this damn tough then I'd rather get root-canal while driving 85 MPH into a brick-wall. My advice is to get a great career, own your own business, make your wealth and to hell w/ love because it's a bullshit lie.

  31. Here, here! Love is a ruse used to trap a partner. I am only looking out for me from now on.

  32. Over and Over again I have been subject to humiliation and rejection by women. Through my experiences I have come to reluctantly believe that I can never trust a woman. I have been lead on by women soo deep only to ultimately be discarded like a scrap. I have always been a nice person and amiable to the other sex, it's just they would rather use nice guys as tools than to nurture them and grow strong relationships with them. I have been betrayed by women whom i have known intimately and trusted with my deepest secrets. But i've learned now not to trust anyone, and especially women. Women are cruel and selfish, and it's sad but now I am too--due to the ordeals they have put me through.

  33. We hate because we fear... we fear because we have hurt, we have hurt because we have lost.

  34. I agree with you. Everyone forms their reality by his experiences in life. Therefore, the love men have for women, If it gets broke many times, Love will turn into hatred. Not just hatred, But the deepest , and most impulsive hatred ever.

    Life. Reality ? Everyone has its own.

  35. Like I said women usually try to compete and put themselves between man and god and when they find out that youve figured it out its time to jump on another cock and find someone stupid enough to put them before our true god our lord and christ.

  36. I have been that messed up over being cheated on and hurt that I am now looking at doing LSD/acid. my life it seems is about to fly off the rails.

  37. Anonymous 5/02/2009 aka Tired of the B.S.5/14/2009 12:10:00 PM

    My favorite are the females that date the losers, sadist, "bad-boy" (lol @ the bad boy b/c he's just an insecure little bitch in reality), the gang-banger, pimp, player, and "mr. misunderstood." after dating them and getting punk'd then they think they know ALL men. It's all to freakin' funny to me. I laugh b/c every time I see one of my friends or some other nice guy like myself get burned b/c she wants to be like every other dumb-ass and get noticed by her pathetic lesbo friends. Stop listening to other people for once and make a decision for yourself. It's so easy to listen to those friends of yours (the other females who managed to mess every relationship up, and want you to be as miserable as they are), but so very hard to see that the guy you're w/ maybe a decent guy who never cheated on you, has a hard time saying things to you, but loves your confused ass. I was always honest, never "fooled around," never upseted her to the point she hated me, and made sure I told her what's on my mind. I did everything right and got treated to some of the world's largest bag-o-shit. I got to tell you if any of you females tell me one more time about finding the right one or this other B.S. about being patient I will introduce you to my stubby middle finger. It's ridiculous to say the same thing to a guy that you've hurt over and over again. Assume we know everything about you, b/c more in likely we do. Excuses are a well-dressed lie, and not to be confused w/ the truth.

  38. Acid is the only way to fly.

    women in my experience don't know what love is.

    take drugs and be happy without them. That is where I'm going anyway

  39. I Hate Women Too, And you're not alone. Believe me!

  40. Hey Loved and Lost: I would be careful with the LSD. It can bite back and being unhappy sure won't lead to good trips. This journal entry has grown! The entry itself is only a coupke of sentences but there are over 40 comments. I think a nerve hasbeen touched here. Pretty cool.

  41. Why am I never good enough? People always say to me that I am such a great guy and all the BS. If I was such a great guy, then why am I not good enough for anybody. I've recently lost 75 lbs., got a new job, a house, and a car. I volunteer in my church and community. I even run a babysitting for parents who want to go out on Friday and Saturday nights. Why?, Because, I have no life and even still i'm a loser. So why should someone go for me? No one wants a boring person, however, I have served my country proudly for 9 years. I have been to 27 different countries and have seen the most beautiful things in this world. I still travel and see the world. So what's a great guy like me, who has traveled the world and does so much for other people. What am I doing wrong?

  42. Women are nothing but a heartbreak waiting to happen. They lie, they call you names...make you feel an inch tall, then they cheat, and then they leave you broken hearted.

  43. Bill,

    No kidding! I am quite surprised by these comments as well. And to think that for every person who comments here, there are many more who are visiting this particular page on my blog and not leaving comments! So, yeah, quite a few wounded people out there.

    I'm sure there are many places on the Internet as well as in the physical world, where women not only get to express their hatred of men, but also get to act on that hatred. It's good that there is this small page in a corner of the Net where some hurt men can express their feelings.


  44. Consider me an addition to the ranks of those who despise women.

    Everything I've read in this blog, I agree with.

    Women are manipulators. They lead you on, convince you that you're special, and unique...and then they break your heart.

    They use excuse after excuse.
    They are weak with their inability to confront us men about their true feelings.

    They use us, and then they blame us.
    They cry, and use pathetic, rehashed tactics that all their friends use.

    They tell us they "aren't ready", all the while preparing themselves to start seeing other men within the next few days or weeks after they've left you by the curb.

    They always "just want to be friends" after things have exploded into your face; after your heart has been stepped on, and ripped to shreds.

    I ask you, brothers, why do we want to "be friends" with someone who has done something so cruel?

    They don't want to be friends with us.
    They don't want anything to do with us.

    They want to be "friends" in order to alleviate their guilt.
    They want to be able to sleep better at night, while you rot away, wondering why you've been left alone.

    It is a lie; a bold faced, white as snow, true as blue, outright LIE!

    Love is a lie.

  45. I agree with Mr Snow.

    We should Re-dominate this planet as men... this (un)equal oppurtunities nonsense for women leads to disaster.... they manipulate their way round to getting what they want without a care in the world for the being behind the skin.

    I have a heart that has been broken through and through whilst my ex lover that cheated on me is now engaged in less than three months of us having split up.

    Fellow women say there is someone special out there (wherever they mean) for everyone. I kindly disagree.

    I now see that the advocating gender is not to be trusted....without trust there is nothing.... that is what I am left with.

  46. I hate women too. They can take their feminist bullshit and shove it up their twats. Marc Lepine did us a favour.

  47. To 'Tired of the BS', 'Augustino', and 'Mr. Snow', I only have one thing to say to you...Rock on, brothers...rock on...!

  48. I hate them, I hate them, I hate them. They can all die for all the frick I care.

  49. I, like Augustino, have been the 'good guy' for the longest time. Patiently waiting my turn, convinced that my chance at love and happiness was due to come along. And each time I show interest, I hear that goddamn tired 'I just want to be friends' excuse. Or 'Gee, you seem like a really great guy, but...'. I'm tired of this shit. Women, in all shapes and sizes, suck hard. They use for what they need and they drop us when the next cock comes along that fucks them better. To hell with them. They need to be re-subjugated. Whores all...

  50. I absolutely fucking agree. Woman decieve you into believing they truly love and care about you 'forsaking all others' but when my gal had the chance she ran straight back to her ex, taunting me and telling my deepest secrets to the world for her amusement. I hadn't done anything to deserve this, its was out of the blue but it taught me a valuable lesson. Woman are whores, liars, snakes and cheats. Never trust one, or develope feelings for one, as you are merely asking for heartbreak.
    Keep soldiering on boys.


  52. Gentlemen,

    I share all your sentiments. From my experience it doesn't matter if you give a woman your heart and soul. At the end of the day, women know they can always find another man to manipulate. I want everyone to remember to never make a woman the center of your world. Never do this because when they leave you it will seem like you have nothing else to live for.

    I have always been a nice guy, a gentlemen, doing everything I can to please women and to treat them with respect and dignity. All I have to show for it is hurt feelings and bad memories. They're not worth it and will never be worth even a fraction of everything men put into a relationship. As far as I'm concerned, women are only good for making sandwiches and sex. That is all.

  53. Everbody hates women...even women hate women.

  54. i wontsaymuch,....
    but i will letu know this

    the second post is fake

    they got to ur indian identity

    fuck i can even get to bwhere u r from

    all lies

    indian guy yada yadayada

    for a minute therte....maybe less

    i thought i was wrong

    on second thoughts its nottheir fault

    sex-oriented minority

    welli hope u find love my friend

    i hope u knewme

    u would have

  55. Wow! That last comment made NO sense to me! Hey, Libran, can you shed any light on this for us? There sure are a lot of angry men (and boys) out there!

  56. Why do women have vaginas? So men will talk to them. That pretty much says it all......

  57. Women don't love us like we love them. Reason for this is that there is clear evolutionary advantage for woman to be able to fake love when she doesn't really feel it for him. We men want love and survival of her genes depended on whether she is able to give that love to us or not. And obviously advantage goes to those women who are able to give it to any man, regardless of their own feelings.

    That's why they manipulate, lie, cheat, deceive and fool most of us quite well. We think their love is like ours but in reality it's not love at all. It's just business for them. Nowadays girls don't even bother to fake it like they did in the 50's. But make no mistake about it, what we see today is the true nature of a woman.

  58. Anyone who could hurl so much irrational hatred toward one group of people is a complete and utter moron. Not a single person commenting here deserves a good woman. Period.

    1. Spoken like a true woman... selfish to the CORE. The reason that you say what you say is that you think that these men's opinions are baseless. And the reason you think that is that you are too selfish to try to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective.

      I can pretty much guarantee you that ALL of these guys did not start out this way. Their perspectives were formed by the brainwashing we receive in society, our families, and the media from day 1. They were nice guys that thought if they treated women well, worked hard, and were nice they would find just ONE woman who would reciprocate.

      Instead what they found is that the women responded and were attracted to "bad boys" who treated them like crap. They found that the women absolutely tortured them. Have YOU ever known a really nice guy, but just were not attracted to him? Yeah, I'm talking to YOU b!tch! Maybe you let him buy you drinks, dinners, and other things, didn't you? Be honest!!! Instead you went for that unreliable badboy who fed your insecurities.

      The nice guy's only hope is to get the woman when she becomes desperate as her looks start to fade. She then goes looking for Mr. Reliable Nice Guy to pay for all the things she wants in life like a house and her kids. This of course is after she has effed every other guy in town. Have fun nice guys! I am NEVER getting married. It used to be what I wanted, but I'm too smart for that crap now.

      I am going to break as many girl's hearts as I can.

  59. All of you sound like bitter little children who can't handle their own emotions, so they blame and stereotype until they've completely removed all of their own guilt in the matter. If you're really that ignorant, then you deserve what you get, from anyone.

    I think a bunch of heartsick losers have been congregating here to validate and justify their hate with their circle jerk of misogyny. Must suck to be a man and realize that now women are equal, you have to act as decently as they do. Must suck to realize you can't be number one by default anymore. No wonder you're all throwing little tantrums.

  60. Um, you haven't read all these comments have you? Heh, you came here looking to stir up some stuff huh? Tough chick from Seattle bringing the truth to the youth. The anger here comes from some rather blatant exploitation at the hands of some selfish women. All women? Nah. But there are definitely more than a few that deserve some hate. Sorry. You are equal to us. That means you are as prone to crumminess and selfishness as men. Just because you are a woman does not make you a good person. Same goes for men. Sorry the playing field eally is being levelled and we don't just take your abuse anymore. Can't wait to see what kind of stuff is over on YOUR blog, my fine Punk Brewster.

  61. Annnnnnnd you like Boondock Saints. You officially have no taste and no doubt enjoy an elevated sense of self esteem due to your status as an "empowered woman" Lemmee guess, would you define yourself as an eco-feminist? Do you take pride in your "green" activities? Have you participated in a production of the Vagina Monolgues? Do you crave attention and get it through ridiculous clothes and hairstyles that make you resemble a circus clown? Are you actually an arrogant and hateful person who couches these character flaws in entitlement and hipster posing? Yes miss. This is you. Boondock Saints...Jesus.

  62. Oh, and Bad Fish? What was the point of that comment? Prove you are better than others? Make some folks feel bad? All you did was further entrench some already wrongheaded feelings. But noooooooo! You have to come on all Riot Grrrrl. Super job. I imagine you do your fair share of bitching about men, right? You and your gal pals get together for a round robin of fingering with misandry (hatred of men, a word we should use more often)? Super. Hey, y'all EARNED that right? I mean Seattle is sooooo conservative. Paper tiger.

  63. I hate how us males are all expected to show off to try and impress the bitches. And it's always the cunts who get lucky. Why shouldn't I be sexist? I should have been born in the early 1900s because after the 70s/80s/maybe later, all these feminist bitches came about. Fuck them. They should have no control over us. And I'm sorry to sound narrow-minded (it was once open) but I've had so many bad experiences that I really cannot see any other way than to be a sexist pig. Women are deceitful, manipulative cunts who have wormed their way into controlling men and not the other way round. It's not like I even mind them having equality but all this feminism actually points to them wanting SUPERIOR rights to men (from the feminists I've encounteres). - Luke

  64. I loved her so much. I'm so hurt and don't know if I'll ever be OK again. Thank you for sharing. At least I don't feel so alone. It's been 86 days. God I hate those bitches. I hate that we are hard wired to love them so dearly while they are hard wired to be so cruel. I hate more than just women. I hate the whole system. I hate myself for loving them, the species for existing, and life for ever starting. I hate passion, and truth, loyalty and honesty, but most of all I hate love.

  65. Hey William, it'll be okay! No, really. I went through a long period of pretty serious depression that I self medicated after my last girlfriend dumped me. I still bristle when I think about her but it is getting better. The most important thing is not to obsess over her. She is gone. Don't give up on everything, man, then she wins (like it's a game!). The best thing to do is get out there and see some other people. Hang out with friends, go to the movies, see a show, shit, go on a date. Don't get down on yourself, don't drink too much or start using something or other. If you want to drink don't do it alone. Believe it or not folks do care. It's alright to go through a period of anger and frustration but do not let it become the only thing in your life. Trust me on this one, buddy. You'll be okay.

  66. Masculinist,

    Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the supportive comment for William. And ignore the trolls, buddy. :-)


    I have no idea what the comment from Apurva was all about!


  67. I hate women i have just come out of a relationship with a woman who sold all i got her put me down lied cheated, came back said she could not live without me like a fool i let this happen more than 10 times, she was selfish flirt money grabing seltish one day she would say she loved me then the next gone just to come back a few weeks later she was a user i now have no faith in any woman

  68. yeah, women all just want money. They won't even look at a guy if he has all the "great" qualities that they are looking for in a husband/boyfriend unless he makes enough $. So, by that logic, you men that get these women, should use them as the high priced whores they are. If a woman demands that u make x amount of $ to be "worthy" then she is a posession and should be treated as such. Every time i see a woman crying on the street during a (verbal) fight with her boyfriend/husband I LOVE it and sometimes linger around to witness the full extent of her pain.

  69. The next time I date a chick I am going to cheat on her as many times as I can. My days of looking out for her interests are over. they demand equal rights but yet, when it comes to dating, revert back to 20th century values where the man "takes care of" them. I'm sorry, but anything that needs "taking care of" is inferior to me.

  70. Unless they are beautiful, intelligent and kind, women are pointless. The ones who do not have such attributes are always the same: mean, selfish, calculating, cruel, controlling poison.

  71. Yes, plus, Indian women smell like curry and tend to gain 100lb after marriage.

  72. Yes its always the same you have to understand all there problems and emotions, but when it come to there man they dont give a shit about your emtoions they lie, cheat, are devoius, they will love you until they have got what they want took you for a ride in every way and OH yes they are so in love with you bullshit, we love more than women ever can i tell you what women wont there own way in everything and in everway and money,they are selfish and just love to put you down, and boy if you make a mistake then you will pay but them no way.

  73. Face it men, we’ll never be able to fully grasp the state of being. We’ll never know what it’s like to be hit on and followed everyday by huge and gruesome looking perverts, stalked by the geeky internet-boy next door, declined a promotion or lose a job because our boss wanted to flirt and be sexual but we declined and got fired, we’ll never know how it feels to have to spend 3 hours preparing for a 45 minute luncheon, bleeding genitalia, we never wonder if the person were dating is planning to kidnap us, if the person were visiting is going to rape us, if the son a glitch standing behind us going to sexually harass us, dodging sexual predators and we’ll never know what it’s like to be stared at and treated as if were sex symbols when all we really want is someone to notice us for who we are. Most men have never experienced these things and have no idea what that could feel like after a while.

    Think about love. How it can be happy, leaving you peaceful and chatty, uplifting you to levels you thought you’d never reach. Yet at the same time, heartbreaking – frightening, a scary & panicky ball all wrapped up into one tortilla shell. But even after all that heartache and pain, a handful of our women still love us, even though they hate us. They lay low for a while, recharge, and next thing you know there back at it again. Others may actually give up or seek interest in same sex partners.

    So when you put all the pieces together; taking one final look at the picture, can we blame them? Why do you think women hate men so much? Are we men just totally innocent beings and they are antagonists who defy our existence? Is it because were always right and they’re always wrong? Is it because we know everything, and we are superior to them?

    1. Oh my Lord you are effing delusional. You paint this picture like women are innocent Little Red Riding Hood and we are the Big Bad Rapist Wolf. You are a bitch sympathizer who probably never gets laid.

      Girls DON'T respond to guys who are nice to them and treat them well. If they did none of these guys would be here. Fuck you are stupid.

  74. typical is it because we are superior to them u just want all your own way, and only feel your pain not your mans, yes i blame woman ur all a bunch of users cheat flirt, its strange how woman make all men suffer for the fact, that in the past for some reason soiciety and men yes men and im going back centuries looked differently at women, well that was not my fault or any other modern man so why blame us u just love to bleat about your pain what about a mans pain u lot make me sick, oh the poor little woman, [when she wants to be] next thing she is screwing u around and OH im miss independent, only to come back say sorry as if it did not matter, as a man i dont screw around i wish i had now, woman the lot of u are a bunch of liars cheating flirting money grabing selfish devious creatures

  75. Big Fish, you clearly understand nothing about human emotions. I pity you.

  76. Pussy is the ONLY thing women have that men want. Period.

    And, as Chris Rock says, if pussy were stock, it would be worth about two cents.

  77. a man will forgive a woman, but a woman will never forgive a man FACT. they are all heartless bitches and selfish devious liars, turn the tears on as and when they want, they have a bit in there brain that stores up all and anything you ever did, they will play you for all they can get and laugh at you FACT they only want you for what they can get out of you especially money

  78. listen up never will you get a compromise from any woman UNLESS its on her terms and that aint a compromise they will bitch about any little thing you done wrong bad , but with them its OH sorry dint mean it lets forget it, OH if only it was the same the other way, right this is it they never forgive forget OH my pain i hear them say, hey honey you got any money, that will make me feel better we are all stupid mugs drawn in with love, you know i think love is a four letter word to women, they say they feel it do they shit. they will sell you down the river for a bigger wage packet THATS love .lol i hate woman they sre so full of there own pain selfish cows

  79. i hate them to agree with everything said they are snakes. but they do have some uses, throatfucking them till they gag an cry is very satisfying

  80. there are lots of things that are true in here... I think Im a great guy or at least I was... I used to respect women... care about them... tried to undestand them... I fell in love and thought she did too but in the end she wanted to be independent... wanted to be alone... after almost 5 freaking years with her she knows that she wants to be alone... and me? with a hearthbrake... I still dont get why that shit of being independent lingers inside them... Ive done a lot of bad things but not to the point that she would just leave me without knowing why... haha... yes... I still dont know why...

  81. Haha I didnt think here were so many people who felt the same as I. Im only 17 and i feel the hatred towards women that a 75 year old heartbroken man would feel. All my younger[thanialreadyam] days, when girls wanted to be my girlfriend, i just said no. I was just a shy person who didnt want to get into a relationship. I didnt use women, didnt disrespect them, or anything like that.
    Then my sophomore year in highschool. wow. One of my friends that is a woman hooks me up with one of her friends.
    She should have came with a disclaimer. Something to the effect of *ATTENTION may cause frequent head,heart,and brain aches. will lie, cheat, exaggerate, tell half truths, hide shit, Cheat on you before you even have sex for the first time with her, and leave you after 11 months of u forgiving her cheating and have another boyfriend the next day* lol.
    Usually i wouldnt let one bad experience cloud my judgement for a lifetime, but it wasnt just me. My best friends girlfriend cheated on him repeatedly. Then on top of that, she lied about a pregnancy for about 3 to 4 months. The whore even got a fake sonogram!
    My friend was on the verge of suicide from the stress of having a fake baby in highschool.
    Luckily for him, he has a horrible memory lol he is still with this girl a year after all of that.
    Me, I was lonely for a couple of months as my whore kept going back and forth between me and this other guy. first being with me, then him, then cheating on him with me[i actually believed she loved me so i did whatever she wanted. hahahaha im such a dumbass] then saying she's 'single' while having sex with me and spending all her time with him.
    Another one of my friend's girlfriend sucked another guys dick then was kissing all on him the next day. and she did this multiple times.
    Also, the whore of my life used to always tell me everything her friends were doing. So i saw how every other girl in school was cheating , whoring, and lying to their boyfriends.
    Then i see my mom and her roomate who lives with us lying to the landlord about everything.
    the only confusing thing is that my mother actually has a good heart.

    But i can honestly say, im a early bloomer of hating women.

    they do this 'equal' thing. fuck that

    they want to be portrayed as so strong that they can be president, but at the same time so weak that they can hit a man and he cant hit them back.
    i dont know about the rest of the world, but i smell bullshit!

    women are gods only mistake. word homie LOL

  82. Happines come's from with-in you, not other's... that is what I've been told... and you know what? after all the suffering it is true... believe it or not... it is fucking true and it feels so good... burn those cheating whores... burn them and don't look back... they don't deserve somebody that cares about them... they are no real women, just cock-sucking whores that don't deserve you nor any kind of respect... let them burn brothers! live your life and enjoy it... spend time with people that really care about you... those are the ones that you should love... take that for granted...

  83. I think we should all take back what is ours back then if a woman got out of line she would be hanged for the whore she was now it does not matter. I say we all give them a taste of their own medicine. Lets so those whores who is in control. I hate women they are not even worth screwing half the time id really pull on my knob then have a dumb bitch do it. I think women are below shit on my shoe. And now down here in the south im going to show women that they are not worth shit. I suggest yall do the same fuck women. They can not grasp the concept of love they just think is so funny when they screw a guy over so they can tell all their friends about it. And yes men are dominate over women we need to start banding together and reuniting so we can control these hoes in the future. Id love to put all the hoes in a concentration camp (death camp) any day of the weak.

  84. There are some really disturbing posts here like the one above but i do understand why guys are so angry. Most of my friends are male cos i cant stand how bitchy an selfish the majority of modern women have become.
    Feminism has not worked, take away dominant men an we have increased divorce, infidelity, single parents, crime etc.
    We are not built to lead, our nature is more submissive. Men should always be in control

  85. Stacey thank you so much for your comment.

    I'm a very confused man... I hada date with a lady last friday night which went superb, I had seen her twice before.

    we ended up making out on the sofa and turning each other on... I didnt wish to stay the night so I did end up leaving. she is now saying that she needs space and that she is in an emotional turmoil.. I just dont understand women anymore.... I thought I did, but to be honest I dont think women understand themselves :S

    what are your thoughts on this

  86. gnostix@f-m.fm7/28/2009 09:38:00 AM

    F.U. (An Ode To Women)

    Dear Women,

    I will call you out right now. I f*cking hate you. You and your gender. You took from me my only string of this pathetic life and hung me out to dry. I hate you. Not because of antyhing you did but because of things that I did that keep getting rejected by your gender. From here on out, I will secretly tear down each and one of your species. But in public, I will be that sweet little angel. Do you hear me woman? You, so-called American little B*itch so wrapped in your car, house, jewelry, fashion, gossip, and and that damn cell phone. What am I compared to you? I have nothing. I lost everything to you. I do not plan to get it back either. I plan on making you, woman, suffer. It will be my new hobby of mine. When you are beaten, I will laugh. When you are raped, I will cheer on the rapist. When you are ignored at work or school due to your Breasts or Vagina, I will say, "I told ya not to dress that way." Are you listening woman? I hate women, girls, ladies - from age 0 to 100, and then some. I will make it my goal in life to make you fail and your gender fall. I utterly have no other goal or task to complete now. I will shorten ten years of my life to see your gender be inslaved among themselves. They need no help from Men. Next time I see you Woman, I will degrade you, make you feel insignificant, comment on your weight, and utimately encourage you to kill yourself. No blood will be on my hands. I want you to die. No wait, harm yourself first in front of your daughter, sister, mother, friend, husband, brother, etc... I don't care. I want you to know that I hate you and I want you to know that over and over. I hate your Gender. This is my manifesto to say: "F.U. woman! Hell hath no FIRE unless a Man is scorned." I was a nice guy until you and your Gender came along and told that you did not want nice guys. Well, I am here. Honest Bad Boy From Hell. And guess what? I am here to stay. So I can watch you die internally.

    Searningly Signed,

    A Burned Male.

  87. LovedNLost without knowing her im not sure what to say. Maybe something happened to her after you saw her or when she was younger an shes scared of gettin to close. Im really not sure sorry, I was speaking generally. Most girls have no problem using emotional blackmail now so maybe its just that, if thats the case shes not worth your time.

    You say we dont understand ourselves and thats pretty much true. We are encouraged to compete with guys from a young age, gender roles are blurred an we essentially act against our nature. Political correctness creates generations of bitches, frustrated men an broken families. Patriarchy worked just fine an made much more stable societies, personally i think men made a mistake in letting us vote.

    Im not saying men are perfect, theres a lot of assholes out there, but generally nowhere near as bad as modern women. I only have two what id call close females friends, the dozens of other girls ive befreinded have stabbed me in the back eventually. Apart from those two i find guys more loyal an easier to talk to.

    Hope you find some peace LovedNLost.

  88. Yes, women are the worst of the manipulative liars but they have taught me that I don’t need love. The only thing I require from them is that lukewarm slit between their legs, and even that is starting to wane. These shallow bitches all want the charismatic guy, the powerful man, the pretty boy, the wealthy man (no woman has ever found a rich man ugly)......fuck them. They are so in love with their own vanity, yet they hate themselves at the same time. And I hate them too.
    You’re hurt? You’ve been screwed over? Then stay busy Brothers. DO NOT live to be their victim. You’re success is the best revenge.

  89. Cunty Casserole8/05/2009 12:24:00 PM

    All of you losers need to sodomize your fellow scorned men then kill yourselves.

    Only feckless, worn out losers complain online anonymously about their lack of getting laid. Y'all are too broke to even pay for a $20 blowjob from a crackhead.

    Women give life, are more intuitive and are bitches because you men are too stupid to catch on. We're wily motherfuckers, mean like snakes and can outsmart you, rob you, humiliate you are
    make you cry online to a bunch of losers for sympathy. Who's got the power really? Bitches do.

    Thanks for the laughs you fucking eunuchs with big bad INTERNET balls... I dare you to say shit like this around mean bitches like me. keep posting. I got my REAL man at home, a nice alpha male who doesn't do rejection like you bitches. Learn to man the fuck up and hold your own. Quit whining like little bitches no wonder women hate you.

    1. You bloody fucking bitch i shall see to that you die a painful death and i shall take an oath that if i dont tear your breast and damage your vaginas and uterus i shall change my name.
      You bloody fucking female chauvenistic asshole you deserve to be raped and molested.i Shall drink youd menstrual blood from your body and damage your genitals and your sex organs.Get lost you fucking female chauvenistic pig, because time will come were your death will be under your man.Iam sure i will be the cause of your death. Iam sure rape will be your punishment.

  90. BettyBlowtorch8/05/2009 02:12:00 PM

    You guys need to get over it!
    Poor me....poor me....pour me another drink!
    I'm a woman and I can tell you stories of the horrible crap MEN HAVE DONE TO ME!!! Oh sorry you can't get a bout having to fight for your own survival??? Try being a woman and dealing with you assholes. Have you ever been raped? Nah, not a pleasant experience, let me tell you. I'm a petite woman who had to defend myself against 200lb+ men!
    Screw you whiners! Not all women are liars and whores. I put my past behind me, why don't you? Life is abot living!!!!
    I've been with my husband for almost 10 years and I have never cheated on him. I am loyal like a puppy dog! I cook, I clean, I work full time, and give regular blowjobs. Perhaps you guys are looking for unattainable women and that's why you're getting rejected????
    Get the fuck over it! There's alot of cool ass chics out there.

  91. When men treat women like a different species, it's no wonder that they don't get any respect from them.
    Woman are human beings who desire a loving relationship like every else...but we also have a choice to who we want to be with for the rest of our lives...
    Sorry you've ALL been broken up with at some point in your lives, but do you ever wonder if it was because of the INTENSE HATRED OF WOMEN?!!?
    Ususally, women don't like that...
    I just had my boyfriend of 7 years come read a couple of these posts, and he just shook his head, mumbled "losers", and went back to doing his own thing.
    There is still a need for alpha males and difinitive masculine personalities, a lot of women love that. (I do!) but the fucking hate bashing is so distasetful and so pathetic, it literally makes my stomach hurt.
    Get out of your dungeon basements at your mothers house and stop crying on the internet and start treating women like human beings who deserve love as much as everyone else in the world. You might just be happy for once in your lives!

    1. Guys, don't listen to this shit. This bitch is trying to convince you that women treat you like shit because you hate women. She has cause and effect all wrong.

      Correct: You hate women because they treat you like shit. You didn't start out hating them. Women think they know what they respond to and are attracted to, but they don't. Never listen to advice from a women. Don't do what they say; do what they RESPOND to.

    2. Women should be kept in POW style camps from birth to reproductive age, their eggs harvested for articifial reproduction and then exterminated.

  92. You men are pathetic. You generalize women as all the same and don't seem to get the point that we are human. We don't want to be with some creepy loser. It's really common sense you pigs lack...So sad. Nobody wants you because we sense your hate, you beg for us and hate us? LOL Reading most of your posts I realized 1 thing, your fucking losers who just don't get it. Hating feminists, hating equality, hating hating hathing, your lives are meaningless just like you deserve for being hateful people. We don't want angry hateful people in our lives, it's common fucking sense. Change or go die alone. Women won't waste time on fools such as yourselves who think they deserve a good woman but act like a piece of angry worthless shit. If you can't understand this simple thing then yes, you are alone just like you had comming. Nothing is less attractive than a desperate angry man who treats you like a piece of meat he hasnt tasted yet. We are human weither you want to believe it or not, we arent barbie dolls, some of us are bad and some are good just like we can find in the male population. How about we generalize all you men as rapists and murderers because some men are? Does that make sense? Do you see how irrational you've all become? Yes you keep fucking up because you dont change, you all make me think of emo ass teenagers who bitch and moan about how much they hate life but never bother changing their lifestyles. Or some of you are even more pathetic and out of control portraying women as evil, seductrices... You dumb pigs really like to believe your perfect when obviously your not and that's why your all alone. Wake up already, your like alcoholics in denial. Wanna know what women desire? Do research. Wanna know what your doing wrong? Use your fucking brain and stop thinking your Mr. Perfect. No good man talks the way you pigs do.

  93. This is all really quite sad. There really must be something quite wrong with you, if some of you are giving up on an entire gender after one try. Life is about change and moving on. If you can't adapt, you can't survive.
    As for the rest of you that have had "soooo many" bad experiences? Well, chances are you never learned from the first one. Whatever doesn't kill you is supposed to make you stronger, but obviously it failed to do so.
    Before you go and spit such venom at an entire gender of people you don't even know, step back and think about this: maybe no woman will date you not because there's something wrong with them, but because there is something wrong with you. Especially if you spend your time on your pathetic ass whining about how much you hate them.
    It's bloody obvious: You have no woman because you sit around acting like a five year old on the internet.

  94. Women are all about degrading beta males (most men) and giving all of the sex to alpha males (small percentage of top men).

    Feminism is affirmative action for alpha males. Modern women's "choice" is to be groupies and the property of alpha males while beta males get nothing, to eliminate us from the gene pool. Only a small percentage of men that have ever lived have reproduced, while most women that have ever lived have reproduced. This is because women only want alpha males and hate the rest of us. Women view men as success objects they are entitled to then have the nerve to whine about being objectified.

    Women are behind most of the violence in the world because they only want dominant alpha males so males are forced to fight/die for status in order to get a woman. When violence happens to women I dont feel sorry for them - it is simply "blowback" - a result of their own manipulations - a small fraction of the violence that men are forced to endure just for the "privilege" of getting the approval of women.

    Beta males must unite to starve women of all of the "free" resources and wealth transfers they are parasiting from us - force women to come begging to us for survival. Put them below us just like alpha males do - that is the only treatment women respect. Women do not respect men who are equal or below them, only men who are alpha/dominant above them. Alphas hate women and treat them like garbage and that is the way we should all treat women. No more mr nice guy.

    1. You nailed it! Most people will think what you are saying is extreme and untrue; sadly it is exactly the way things actually work.

  95. Guys,

    Don't listen to all the women above who claim that something must be wrong with you and that is why you have gone through bad experiences with women. We all know that to be the classic female trick of making you responsible for everything, of turning the guilt on you. Women are experts at this kind of trickery. Don't fall for it.

    It is also in extremely bad taste for these women to come here to lecture us and accuse us of being in the wrong simply because we express some unhappiness for the bad experiences we have had. What these women are doing here is the same as if a guy went to a forum for abused women and accused all the women there of being wrong, and telling them that they deserved the abuse! Extremely few men would be so insensitive. Where as, most women are stupid and insensitive enough to blame us. Why? That is how women are.

    Remember guys - bros before hoes!


    1. You took the words right out of my brain!

    2. Yeah, I'd love to bash a certain woman's brains in and then proceed to fuck the shit out of her dead corpse! Bro's before hoes!

  96. It is interesting how Cunty Casserole, BettyBlowtorch and Blonde Bitch all found it necessary to show off that they have men in their lives... As if having those men is the thing which gives credibility to what they have to say, as if having those men is the main highlight of their lives. I wouldn't be surprised if that was indeed the only highlight of their lives. When was the last time you heard a man deliver his arguments in a debate, and then add, "By the way, I have a wife of 6 years at home. So, what I said should be the absolute truth!"

  97. It has been generally accepted for women to be emotionally out there with their feelings. Women are allowed to cry, scream, throw things, gather with other women to bash on men that have done them wrong, etc. Men don't seem to have the same opportunities. Perhaps that is one reason that much of that festers into these horrid stories and feelings - this anger and hatred. If men could learn to just cry on each other's shoulders about that awful relationship thing that happened to them, find the time to ask each other how's it going with what's her name and then actually "discuss" why it didn't work, if men could really talk about those things... maybe they would realize that we are all in the same boat. People do bad things, people lie, people cheat, people steal. Everyone in here has done something they are not proud about, everyone here can look back and remember something they have dismissed - an action or non-action on their part that probably was hurtful to another person in some way.

    Expressing anger and hurt here is one step, but next time you are hurt by some woman - try to talk to your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, a friend you play basketball with, a person you respect, a person you haven't called in a year, and by all means talk to a woman who seems to care even a little about you as a person. Talk. This means sharing the nitty gritty details honestly. Not "hey, how's it going." "well, Kathy and I broke up... she found some other bloke." "damn, what a bitch." "yea"

    that's not a conversation guys. You didn't express how it made you feel, how you are suffering every night and can't sleep, how you keep looking at her picture, how you finally tore it into fifty pieces, how you cried inside when you saw her by accident with this new dude at the grocery store, etc. Yep, women tell each other that gross stuff about it all... we feel all of that, but we tell each other about all of that. We don't keep it inside and let it fester and boil. Although there are probably women who don't have outlets and who hate men because they have not found a way to share these feelings and let them go. Most women learn at an early age to whine to each other. Men seem to learn at an early age to just keep it all inside.

    Women have outlets like that and it is probably one reason "we" seem to be able to recover from that pain, from being beaten, from being raped, from losing that person who we gave everything to, from being cheated on over and over and trying over and over to believe it would not happen again. Men are just as much jerks to women as women are to men. People are people, they make mistakes, they do things without thinking carefully, they can be selfish at times, they can be caring at times. They can love. Obviously they can hate. Obviously they can kill.

    Open up men... to anyone, take that step and learn how to just pour it out. It's part of healing. Call her a bitch... but not inside your head only... tell others... and share how hard it is. You will be seen as a strong open person. Bashing here on the internet will only help a little, find someone who will listen and just pour every detail and every day. Not just one time for one minute... I have listened to girlfriends (and I've been in their shoes too) go on and on for a year about how they still can't get their act together after some failed relationship. We are all people. We all have those disappointments and feelings. Opening up brings healing. I wish you all love.

  98. what a bunch of crybaby losers. No wonder women want to avoid you. I bet even your mother didn't like you. I don't even know you and you make me sick. Maybe you should stop being crybaby assholes and try to be nice. But you won't be, and everyone woman will smell what a crybaby loser filled with vile hate you are.

    1. "Try being nice." What a fucking joke. These guys did all try being nice. That's why they are here. Nice didn't work. Bitch.

  99. "what a bunch of crybaby losers. No wonder women want to avoid you. I bet even your mother didn't like you. I don't even know you and you make me sick. Maybe you should stop being crybaby assholes and try to be nice. But you won't be, and everyone woman will smell what a crybaby loser filled with vile hate you are."

    how old are you? you sound like someone giving cheap shots in a playground... you have'nt a clue about life clearly... I have seen things you could not even imagine... time slowing down.... 30 seconds feeling like 3 days. losers? go look in the mirror

  100. Yay! We broke 100 posts! This blog is amazing. Eve above said it best: release your feelings and have real conversations about them. Forgive yourselves and forgive the one who hurt you (as best you can). And never ever listen to garbage mouthed "feminists" like Betty Blow torch/Blonde Bitch/Cunty Casserole (who wants to bet they're all the same person?). Like Libran said to be once, "Don't feed the trolls."

  101. Feminists deserve to be hated, sadly that is most women right now.

  102. I was in a que to get drinks yesterday at one of my bike meets, there were these two women behind me (there are times I wish I could close my ears) boasting about how they took their (now) ex-husbands for every penny they had.... the car/house everything. It made me sick : /

  103. Well, not all women are like that and I'm sure there is a context that's missing here. However, it does kinda disgust me that this sort of behavior is condoned in our society at the moment. Be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water with regard to ALL women. Same as women shouldn't despise ALL men because of bad relationships. Just watch your backs. Both sexes. They call it a war for a reason.

  104. Maybe not all women but a high percentage an things will only get worse till we can recreate the old patriarchal structre.

  105. Well, I completely disagree with you there Stacey. Regressing isn't the answer here. Mutual respect and sensitivity are what are required in this sorry situation. Laws have been set up within divorce proceedings which unfairly favor the woman in many instances (though not all). That's a pet peeve of mine. But stripping women of rights and reducing them to objects simply repeats the mistakes of the past. We need to find some common ground here. Not drive the wedge deeper.

  106. Have you ever read any of Dave Sim's Cerebus? It deals with this issue and he comes down on your side of things, Stacey. I don't agree with it but it makes an interesting (and intelligent) read. I reccomend it to you. And anyone else here, men and women. We hurt each other. And were doing it again.

  107. maybe some of these comments are right and I'm just a loser :'/

  108. You might not be a loser but I'm an outkast for sure. I've been rejected by women almost my whole life. I could never even see myself dating a woman. Then my parents raised me to never flirt or disrespect women. I wish that I'd never gave my heart to one. It's been a dream of mine to be a good husband and a good father and to do for my kids what my father never did for me but it's hard for me to step into that reality with women being the way they are. I didn't realize I was this fuckin angry toward women until I anylized myself. Reading these post didn't really help either...

  109. I feel for you my brother.

    I had the same aspirations as yourself there... to be the good father and husband.... having had my heart broken, it is no longer a goal for me, I decided to take each hour as it comes.... currently I am "dating"/"seeing" this girl from 150 miles away... she comes and sees me, I go and see her, its all a bit weird, but the arms length distance is something I can feel comfortable with, not calling it a relationship.... not saying im going out with her.... simply seeing her and enjoying her company is enough for me. then when we go seperate ways I try to enjoy my own space....

    my advice is simple.... when the time is right, be it the internet/dating website, out in a club/birthday party or whatever, get out there date some girls, rebuild your confidence and it will be on the cards to find love in some form or another.

    avoid a relationship atm.... and simply enjoy a womans company, there are enough women out there in the same boat, once you have sorted your life out completly then you can allow someone in again fully....

  110. I've come across an awesome book that has helped me immensely. No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover. Amazing explanation of what has happened between women and men since World War II, why so many "Nice Guys" are so unhappy and what to do about it.

  111. let us cease the talk of books =)

    puts people off


  113. lol yes we are JL. dominant guys are best :)

  114. My name is John. I used to respect women. Every single last one of them. But after a few years, I now realize that they don't want respect. More importantly, I realize they don't DESERVE respect. Women are cold-blooded black widows who draw you in for their selfish needs. Even the "nicest" of them are raging sluts who has had dozens of stiff cocks inside them, cumshots inside her pussy. Dirty.

    At my school, girls talk to me, but unless they willing to submit to my domination, I stare them down coldly. Alot of girls love the romantic attention (and obsession) of a nice guy but never reciprocate it because they love the attention without the commitment. It is like a drug to them. They like to play with feelings as if they accessories on a doll.

    Modern/Feminist women make me sick. Sex and the city actors should be hanged, drawn and quartered. I see them all the time at my school, women walking around campus with their high heels and masculine ego, thinking they're so great, miss independent. THEY ARE NOTHING. THEY MAKE ME SICK. They should be making babies, not strutting around like a slut. And as long as they erroneously believe they are equal to men, they will never be happy. They need to learn to bow down to something greater themselves....a Dominant Man.

    The only beautiful woman is a submissive woman who knows her role within a relationship and family. Women are NOT leaders, nor should they be. That is like telling a man to put on a dress and take care of babies. That is an aberration of nature.

    To my fellow men, I would suggest to concentrate on money-making. Perhaps one day I will marry a 14 year old virgin girl from a third world country with a handsome dowry, just like men have been doing for thousands of years. Western women disgust me so.

  115. Mostly agree with that last post apart from the marrying 14 year old girl thing, thats just wrong.

    Also many girls are very calculating but guys can be just as selfish so thats not an exclusive female thing by any means. Finally the raging slut comment is laced with hypocrisy, again many men also have a number of sexual partners an the cumshots in pussy thing, havnt you heard of condoms?

    Overall the anti-feminist sentiments i agree with, distorting nature an natural gender roles, us not being leaders etc. Its really quite liberating an feminine to accept a man as your superior

  116. men are arrogant shitheads10/27/2009 04:43:00 PM

    all this hate about women are evil, please. Look at history, look at world events...who are the ones who are responsible for ruing the world as it is- that's right, its mostly MEN. They think they are something special to humanity- because they've got a d***. Well excuse me, and all this talk about dominating the world- why to turn it into a further hell hole. I don't think so. Women are not just going to stand by and let that happen.

    Get over it-loosers, we have proven to be a formidable foe. Just accept it, if you are a man and you see such nobility attached to that title, why don't you show it? Morons, you are a bunch of selfish brats only looking for one thing- should women fall for that? Men form deep bonds, where have you been living? Men equally if not more than women- lie, cheat, steal, step on one another yet are totallyfine with doing so, why? because they are simply "men", and so that makes everything o.k. And most of you whine and behave like 12 year old brats. PLEASE DO US ALL A FAVOUR AND GROW UP, then you may attract some mature women.

  117. christian men are bigots10/27/2009 04:55:00 PM

    And how can you haters pride yourselves in calling yourselves "Christian". Most of you bigots that have no understanding of love, kindness and gentleness. What did your Lord do? He died for the church, the bible says and what does it say further, husbands should be willing to die for their wives. I don't see such passion, such commitment from you bigots- only arrogance, pride and a lot of talk about your self-righteousness and world class philanthropy. Such Christ like humility indeed...makes me want to head out for the woods and disappear from such vanity. Sad part is you men don't even recognize your arrogance and pompousness and how it is such a turn off.

  118. Funny this is im a alpha male never had any problems dominating women. Treat em like **** they always come running back. But guess what. I ran into a women I actually liked! Like alot like Soul Mate & Love type ****! I said you know what im going to try a diffrent approach with her. I told her my feeling was a gentleman, took he out more then I do the average whore, took my time etc etc. I think shes special. Guess what fellas?? Rejected. Lets just be friends. That ****ing *****. Never again. Blowjobs/Sex or GTFO. Never again.

  119. Yes your are absolutely right! Women are extremely selfish. Many of them are antisocial in their behaviour. Their are uncultivated and primitive.

    1. And what gives them permission to cry wolf in the workplace? Get a fucking grip of yourself and if you have a problem talk to him /her about it. Don't be a bitch and hold it in only to complain to HR later on because the event feels fresh in your mind.... Time has elapsed deal with it....

  120. i was with a girl for nearly a decade, worked my ass off to be with her, never even looked at another female, gave her thousands of dollars so she could follow her dreams, and was easily the most non-selfish/supportive/honest person in her life. we hardly ever argued. then she cheated on me. cheated on the one person who has been loyal to her. women are ridiculous.

  121. What people need to realize is that women are animals. They'll just follow their instincts; and their primary instinct is to be with the Alpha Male. You can easily trick them by acting in a way that triggers their instinctual responses so that you appear to the their feeble minds as the dominant male.

    Trying to be 'nice' to them, on the other hand, is a fool's pursuit. Nothing in their heads will click and make them want you or remain loyal to you. They'll jump at the first chance they get to be with what they perceive is an alpha male.

  122. wow you guys are jerks!!
    yeah you might have had your heart broken a few times but not everyone is like that. there are some really nice people out there. probrably more nice than not. you just have to look in the right spot and have some luck. stop putting yourself down. look at the good things you have in your life. and you guys keep critisizing women for being selfish and all this crap but look back at your life and im sure you will find that your really not the perfect little angel you think you are. if you are nice to others it will come back 10 fold!!
    and to the guy who hates working with women... get over it and get over yourself. its a new world today and just deal with it. its not 20 years ago.

    1. Please.... The worst type of women/feminist is one that doesn't even know herself. Young, stupid, feminist, and thinks she knows it all because she's been through some relationships.
      The main problem with women is that you need to get control of your own fucking emotions.
      Stop saying and acting one way and then throwing shit in a man's face the next....

  123. Anonymous-from-the-last-comment,

    I have said this before in the comments on this post and I will say this again. This is one small corner of the infinite Internet where guys who are really hurt come to express their angst. Please use your womanly intuition and empathy; let these men be.

    And you are not being very convincing in helping them believe that there are nice women out there, when you first call them jerks.

    You say that if these guys are nice to others, it will come back to them 10-fold. Well, I don't know any of the guys commenting here, but I am inclined to believe that they are indeed nice people. Real jerks don't visit some obscure blog to vent their feelings. Really bad men would have already moved on to their next prey and would be busy hurting her as we talk.

    Please check the rest of this blog. For the most part, it is about love and about loving women. This post is just one really tiny part of this blog written in a moment of extreme hurt and frustration. In love. This post is as much an expression of my love as the rest of this blog is. If women truly have a natural talent for understanding, they would understand this.

    It is the same with the rest of the guys commenting here. The rest of their lives - they really care for the women who come across them. It is real hurt and helplessness that is causing them to vent here. Please let them be.


  124. What the fuck has happened to man? I'm 25 english fella.load of bollocks man hating manipulating feminest pricks. Isambard Kingdom Brunel,sir alex jeffreys, sir james about every last man that has been shot dead at every war they haved fought in for there country and you repay men by labelling them and treating them like monsters. but sensitive monsters who will cater for that every womens need, theres no wonder marriage ,and relationships are getting an issue for people.because most birds are choosing the alley mcbeal,sex city, etc etc lifestyle b4 they know it , its too late....

  125. where else would you suggest a bloke voices his opinion? feminism man hating has socially isolated men more. theres no winning guys, just have a good time

  126. I do hate all women, just mad at one. She is wonderful, kind, and good; but then she is a raving bitch! All I want ot do is love her and vise versa. But there is something that she is holding back. Why can't she can not come be up front and honest, but instead she comes in spurts then out of nowhere an avalanche if issues. What makes women do that? What makes you so scare to commit to something? Don't you realize that we are scared too? Sometimes I just want to...well you know what I mean. I love her, but hate her.

  127. Singh---Well u agree or not..girls r born selfish. will tell my story. i m a very genuine n decent indian guy who
    neva eva flirted or got into relationships to physically use a girl or anything...
    And thats the biggest mistake of my life. i have a g.f and we both luv each other dearly...sum days back she started
    behaving indifferent and uncaring for sum 20 days...obviously i was frustrated and tried 2 know the reason 4 her behaviour
    many many times but she said evrything is fine...and then after hundreds of phone calls n persuasion she told me that her parents
    wont allow us to marry so she is behaving like this...i know its an issue but its not very difficult to persuade her parents as we belong
    to same religion. only issue is our age difference. It wud be tough but not impossible to persuade her parents. so how mean is this??
    shudnt she had told me abt this n we both think of a solution...she simply tght that i wud frustrated and stop luving her.. isnt this thing
    childish?? we luv each other so much that we cant stay a single day with out how does she expect me to forget her simply??? T
    his shows women r born selfish. "The first creatures to desert a sinking ship are Rats...Women behave exactly da same in tough times"
    Neva ever trust or luv a woman...

  128. Singh---Neva been 2 one, but u bet, a PROSTITUTE wud be far far far better than a so called "DECENT" girl
    coz she will tell u straight that she wants money...She wont play wid u r feelings as these decent girls do. Women r great
    as mothers, sisters, daughters. As soon as they become girl frnds or wives they bcum DEVILS...Dont know y? They always
    crib that guys dont respect women and want only sex 4m women...but as soon as they get a real genuine guy in their life,
    they wud leave no stone unturned to screw his life and play wid his emotions...This is a FACT. my frnd once said sumthing
    which i find true now-- " A man can be happy wid any kind of woman,
    as long as he doesnt luv her" So its best to consider women only as sex objects, just fuck them n dump them in the garbage
    where they actually belong.

  129. I have read most of these comments and it sickens me. All of those who have posted who 'hate women', be they men or women themselves, have unfortunately know selfish, selfish people. The majority of individuals who have made these comments have had the shitty luck of knowing very selfish manipulative PEOPLE. Of all the women I know in my life, only a scant few are 'backing stabbing, selfish cunts and whores'. Of all the men I know in my life, only a scant few are 'manipulative, obsessive control freaks'. You should all be ashamed for hating a specific gender, male or female. For those of you who have had relationship troubles, I have empathy. However, maybe you should CHANGE YOUR STANDARDS if you keep having the SAME PROBLEMS!!! For MEN: if the ideal woman for you is beautiful, affluent, trendy and talented, realize she is an IDEAL. Don't base your relationship on beauty and sex. For WOMEN: if the ideal man for you is handsome, affluent, trendy and talented, realize he is an IDEAL. Don't base your relationship on beauty and sex. Base a relationship on similar views, personality and TRUST!!! Maybe the reason that hot guy or gal keeps cheating on everyone is because they ARE SELFISH and are lead to believe that EVERYONE WANTS THEM!!! Beauty only lasts for so many years. The hot chick that broke your heart will be middle aged and lumpy soon enough. The gorgeous guy that slept with every frat chick on campus will be the creepy middle aged dude soon enough as well. If the same type of man or woman keeps breaking your heart...STOP PICKING THE SAME TYPE!!! And finally...if you don't choose the same type of person over and over and over again, and DO keep getting rejected...MAYBE IT'S YOU!! This whole blog has been nothing by a big angry rant against ex-lovers. My whole point is that if the same DAMN thing keeps happening, it is time to do some soul searching. Shame on you!

  130. Shame on you mr or miss who ever u r ....coz i think u neva been in a u dnt know how women behave in a relation..lolzzz...well on a serious note...i respect women a lot... but seriously there is a hell lol of difference in thinking of a Man n a Woman.....Men r very straight forward...but women r very complex n little selfish..

  131. I dont like gender, we should be equal except for sex. We should preform the same roles. We should be socially accepting of each other. There shouldn't be any reason for anyone to hate the opposite gender this way.

  132. I honestly almost passed out reading the comments on this thread. To think, I - a stupid, whorish, lazy, useless woman - often walk outside where there are men. Some of them thinking these thoughts. Some of them crazy, thinking these thoughts. What scares me more are the sane ones.

  133. women in general piss me off!when you try to be the nice guy they want nothing to do with you.women are cowards!!they dont have the guts to admit how much they like you if they had the chance and say i just want a kind and honest guy when all they really want is a fat cock in their asses!! I HATE WOMEN.when i make a kind remark or a simple hello they always give me the cold shoulder or not even an exchange in glances. i cant even get one to respond to me on the fucking told that im a fairly attractive young man that should have a date for every night of the week and im in the town for it aswell then why are women such cunts about having to say a simple hello?believe me i had a lot to deal with before i said to hell with women.this makes me feel a lot better, i hope a women reads this and realizes what filthy cunts you women can actually be.good luck to all you men out there that havnt given up yet.

  134. can any of you "women" answer me why all of you seem soo gutless.just keep this in mind no matter how trustworthy you think you boyfriend,husband,fiance,lover is they have all and if not yet will fuck somebody else behind your back and i hope that all of you cunts know the pain some time in your worthless live SO FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  135. i have a message for badfish. FUCK YOU YOU STUPID CUNT BITCH BURN IN HELL AND SUCK A ROTTEN DICK.feel free to reply bitch.i love it when THE CUNTS try to defend themselves.they know when reading these writings they cant help but think its true its true its all true.untrustworthy cunts lets hear what an intellectual has to say hmmm? any women out there that care to defend the name of women hmmmmm?

  136. Tecnology is good, but our society is becoming really bad, woman are taking up control, using our kindness ass a stair to dominate modern man. We are about to become their pets. Read my blog and find out why woman act so shitty with all guys.

  137. not ass, i meant as :D

  138. Women are selfish conceited whores theres no such thing as a good woman its an oxymoron

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. the stink of women in our nose is due to deliberate engineering of those in power. The destroyed the role of father. They destroyed morality more and more from generation to generation and we all had a hand to play , both man and woman. The decay is infecting economy now as well. When it implodes eventually everyone is gonna play the natural role. Women willbr back in their place. When we wield the sword of conviction and out wear the mantle of our power they will fall in line or be left in the wilderness for the wolfs.

  141. said...
    "F.U. (An Ode To Women)

    Dear Women,

    I will call you out right now. I f*cking hate you. You and your gender. You took from me my only string of this pathetic life and hung me out to dry. I hate you. Not because of antyhing you did but because of things that I did that keep getting rejected by your gender. From here on out, I will secretly tear down each and one of your species. But in public, I will be that sweet little angel. Do you hear me woman? You, so-called American little B*itch so wrapped in your car, house, jewelry, fashion, gossip, and and that damn cell phone. What am I compared to you? I have nothing. I lost everything to you. I do not plan to get it back either. I plan on making you, woman, suffer. It will be my new hobby of mine. When you are beaten, I will laugh. When you are raped, I will cheer on the rapist. When you are ignored at work or school due to your Breasts or Vagina, I will say, "I told ya not to dress that way." Are you listening woman? I hate women, girls, ladies - from age 0 to 100, and then some. I will make it my goal in life to make you fail and your gender fall. I utterly have no other goal or task to complete now. I will shorten ten years of my life to see your gender be inslaved among themselves. They need no help from Men. Next time I see you Woman, I will degrade you, make you feel insignificant, comment on your weight, and utimately encourage you to kill yourself. No blood will be on my hands. I want you to die. No wait, harm yourself first in front of your daughter, sister, mother, friend, husband, brother, etc... I don't care. I want you to know that I hate you and I want you to know that over and over. I hate your Gender. This is my manifesto to say: "F.U. woman! Hell hath no FIRE unless a Man is scorned." I was a nice guy until you and your Gender came along and told that you did not want nice guys. Well, I am here. Honest Bad Boy From Hell. And guess what? I am here to stay. So I can watch you die internally.

    Searningly Signed,

    A Burned Male."

    AMEN TO THAT BROTHER, may all those evil creatures called "women" "girl" "wives" burn and rot in hell.

  142. Getting Miss Right in your life is like a pipe-dream. You keep chasing, searching, looking. And after wading through a pool of wrong ones, you get sick of it and think you are never gonna give a shit again. Days later after being left alone and single you start the whole thing over again letting another bitch prey on you. It's very difficult to defy who you are and by nature you were made to like women and you cannot help it. Women know this very well and manipulate it against you. But they think they can play this game forever without consequences. The day when men will be really tired of this bullshit and walk away, it's then that women will drop from their self-created fantasy world of psychological aggression against men and hit the floor of reality hard. That day I will remind myself of those bitches who played with my heart and smile.

    To all women

    Think of a day when you come out of your house on your sexy thongs. With your sleek figure, tight pussy and rythmic steps you are doing everything right to grab a man's attention but no man gives a shit about it. Even with your angel-like face on which you worked for a whole hour in the beauty parlour, your eyelashes, the expensive lipstick you used this morning but still no man looks at you even for once. They see you just as a 'friend' or a 'colleague', nothing more than that. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO THEN???? Your bigest power lies in our weakness. Don't misuse it. Because if we are forced to come out of our biggest weakness, you are nothing but a pity who brought her own demise on herself.

  143. @Parmeet

    Hey buddy I am telling you from my experience that when your girlfriend told you that her parents won't allow the marriage, it's a lie, an excuse to get rid of you. She wants to dump you but doesn't have the guts to say it on your face. If you were Bruce Willis she would flee with you without giving a shit about what her parents want. If you don't believe me check on her. She must be seeing another guy already. Such whores they are. They don't deserve the love of men

  144. @ christian men are bigots said...

    You can say you want to head out for the woods and disappear because you know that if you really do it, someone will come looking for you. If you really wanted to do so you wouldn't have stayed here posting your comment. You would have done it. That's exactly what women do. They express disgust for no reason and threaten to run away as they know their man will come looking for them. Are you sure it's us men who are not kind and gentle? And all these men commenting here, they are fed up of being nice and gentle to women only to be rejected like a scrap and dumped. Every comment posted here says the same story.

    And when you say husbands should be willing to die for their holds only for women who deserve it and these vile creatures I see today calling themselves modern women dont deserve it. So stop blaming men and stop spreading feminism. Enough damage has already been done to the male heart.

  145. Hate is just the other side of the same number line that has love on the other. After getting screwed twice by women, guess the safest thing to do is stay miles away from their creed. I wouldn't like the chance to hate also because that would mean being in their proximity and being on constant guard. If you want peace of mind stay away or treat them as if they don't exist. The groin is a problem but reason out the perils of those few seconds of orgasmic pleasure. Its life long in the cell.

  146. Hey BigFish, you're right, I don't deserve a good woman, I don't deserve any woman, because I AM A STRAIGHT WOMAN! I have a wonderful man whom I've been together with for many years and whom I'd rather die than do wrong, and wonderful male friends I can relate to, who I know won't ever do me wrong. Hell will freeze over before I trust another bitch! Every single woman I've known from day one for the past 35 years (even my own mother) has either used me, belittled me, or betrayed me, or all three. I pride myself on being honest, responsible, kind, hard-working, fair, and loyal - something most women are simply NOT. I've had it up to here with their backstabbing, shallowness, cruelty, lies, sick one-upmanship, and petty head games. You bitches can all rot in hell for all I care!!

    - Proud FEMALE woman hater


  148. there are four garbage toothed feminist who deserve a beautiful price for all their comments posted. they are betty blue torch ,blonde bitch ,casserole and slickie.I and along with me a group of men will come and rape,molest and strip them in front of the public . in addition to that i shall see to that i tear there breasts and drink blood from their breast and with addition to that i shall also damage their vagina and uterus and their pussy and i will also drink their menstrual blood from their blody and see toit that their body gets fully drained and decayed.

  149. @ NIKHIL

    " in addition to that i shall see to that i tear there breasts and drink blood from their breast and with addition to that i shall also damage their vagina and uterus and their pussy and i will also drink their menstrual blood from their blody"

    Man I too can't stand women. But seriously are you going to do that?? Man you must really hate them. Although I wont give them the same treatment as you say but when one finds me attractive I will give them their own medicine 'I am sorry. You are a good friend to me' LOL

  150. Its very glad that there is someone who supports me.Dude iam sure you are aware that in today's society women have no reapect for men,particularly in the western societies , china and even India for that matter.there are so many anti male laws in our country that has made men powerless in our society .I would be glad if an organisation is been established for men particularly youth men around 15 to 30 where they can be trained in all physical forms such as strength training , weightlifting , boxing and wrestling and and in hard core physical games so that women would dare not assault men or make fun of men or make derogatory remarks about men. i will take an oath that the same way lord parasurama took against the evil warrior clans who attacked the priest community .He murdered and killed the 21 generations of evil warrior class who had betrayed his parents an the entire priestly community.Similarly i will also take revenge against any women community who make ridiculous remarks and comments about Men and boys by raping and molesting each one of them and definitely i may possibily do it what i had mentioned earlier if they keep on ridiculing men , insulting men and making ridiculous remarks about men and affending men in every way raising feminist slogans, but for that time should come i dont think days are really that far away.


  152. Women always try to bring false information saying that the society is male dominated and patriarchal.But the fact is that it is not at all true.How can you say that society is male dominated when there are so many anti male laws in many countries which have always favoured women.majority of all the divorce cases go in favour of women and not and these bloody fucking women talk of men exploiting them, dont you think these women are absolute liars and hypocrites.Iam sure many men would be aware of the fact that women trying to misuse laws and threatening their husbands.As i had mentioned earlier women try to misue the laws and threatening their husbands should be raped molested and stripped in front of the public.Women claim that they are economically backward but the fact is that it is absolutelty not true infact majority of the population living outside the home in the streets are men.Majority of the prisoners who are being wrongly accudsed by the society are men.Even though men suffer from majority of health problems such as heart disease, tumour and cancer it is women who are given more amount of medical privilages. if you look in a very practical way men are actually denied any good medical treatment.In fact in today's scenario men are socially and economically backward compared to women. Women are always given the most social privilages in the society.Majority of all the court laws are in favour of women where women make use of this advantage to threaten men. But men don't worry time will surely teach all these fucking women a lessons for this we need an increase in population of more macho men who not only rely on brute strength or muscle strength. but also on other areas specially on intellectual activities, and every men and boys in the society should be aware of how men are facing problems in the societies and take revenge on any woman who abuses men by tearing their breast and drinking menstrual blood from their body as i had mentioned it earlier.As far as india is concerned in states like kerala and west bengal and many other north eastern states boys in these places are thought from their chilhood that girls are superior to them and better than them in every way which has made many boys and men to submit towards women and girls.This is clearly shows that men and boys in these places are not aware of their own powers and strengths.i want all malayali men and bengali men to realise that they have their own strengths and are no way inferior to women in every ways.I shall see to it that i shall rebel against any woman who disregards men and demean men in every possible way.i shall see to it that i shall murder any woman to death who insult men.Come on macho men wake up . Its time that you realise your power and strength and stop being hen pecked and slaves to women.Rebel the feminists and kill them and dishonour them in front of the public. let these arrogant women who demean women die a painful death.

    1. What about the workplace? Women cry wolf all the time but are protected.

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. thats the problem about woman they are talented brained thats why they know a lot about lying thats the reason men always drinking too much beers etc smoke cause of them freedom breakers they destroy mens hearts like its nothing for them cause they know their beautiful attractive etc their heads so big already they can lie relationships they can even hurt a serious loving guy to a woman

  155. tsk woman they only want is money on a relationship when they knew a men got no more money they will left it liers hope u gotten karma for ur lyes

  156. In the past, women couldnt get jobs and survive on their on. Therefore, those women who loved (like we man do love) got screwed, pregnant, deceived... they died wth their children and their "genes" were lost.
    In the meantime, women who were selfish, deceiful, they got married with the right guys (those who could suport them and their children). These selfish women had children and they were so "well prepared" for this world their genes got spread enough to make it present in every women alive...

    Yeah, they were deciful, and whores, but they needed man, so they raised our children, they cleaned our houses and did the laundry. They needed us so they had to hide their true self for centurys.

    Nowadays the bitches got "emancipated".. yeah, they can get the best jobs, the best education, they dont need man... they can even have artificial insemination.

    But, they still have traces of this "instinct"... they still feel atracted to wealthy man, or those who look like criminals and bad boys (they believe these scumbags survive better or shit like that).

    So, theres a conflict. They dont need man to survive, but they want wealthy and successful man because of their genes. What you have? You have women that believe they dont have any obligations (cuz they dont need us) but who demand perfect mans.

    Yeah, they say a man must be a gentleman and cum on their face, a man must be sensitive and romantic and treat them like shit from time to time...

    So, yeah, best thing is to stay away from them.

    You see, when they try to make you believe they love you, they need you, they think about you everyday, all the time, its all about submission.

    So never trust them, never believe them. Never.

    You see, there are plenty of guys who have 20s, even 25 years old who are pure, or virgin, who are romantic and defenders of love and all this bull shit. At the same time, you have women, who get anl fucked by 15s, when they have 20 years olf they have taken so much sperm, in every possible place, they have like 20 times more sexual experience :P

    Theres a huge inversion nowadays.

    So, yeah, they have the vaginas, but man, the vaginas arent worth it. Really. The momment you stick your dick inside them they will try to use you, and manipulate you, and even destroy you.

    Yeah, women are glad to chat about guys who are depressed cuz of them, they have pride. Some even are marvelled when guys comit suicide because of them. This shit raise their ego like nothing in this world.

    I try to not hate them, cuz hate is a weackness. I rather try to think of them like shit, worthless, inferior.

    I know a sayin about women:

    "Never trust an animal wich bleeds for between 4 and 7 days AND DONT DIE!"

  157. To visitors of this post: I respect your sentiments and your freedom to express yourself. As such, I DO NOT want to delete or censor any comments. However, kindly refrain from making violent threats, especially those directed at other visitors or commentators on this blog. Any such comments in the future will be deleted. I do not want any violent threats in the comments to cause my blog to be shut down. Thanks for the understanding.


  158. Women empowerment have made them more arrogant

  159. you know something in india there is a seperate compartment for ladies , there is seperate seat for ladies in the bus , there is seperate reservations and quotas for women and heck these whores and sluts give an alleged claim that men dominate women. shit on their face. these fucking third rate lesbians demand reservations mainly in order to dominate men.these fucking whores and sluts think that it is the duty of man to respect women but they think that there is no necessity for them to give it in return and treat we men like worthless shit. in todays society people think that if women hit men physically that is considered okay in the society and when man physically abuses a woman it is considered as wrong and he is seen as a bad guy.every woman in the world thinks that it is right for a woman to treat men like worthless shit , abuse him and insult him in the public . but for all this crap they do, they expect men to behave like a gentleman , this is what i call as double standared.women always give a false information that men are chauvenistic and dominating them. never beliebve them they are all liars who deserve to be raped and molested 25 times such that there genitals get destroyed and die a painful death. ofcourse there are going to be some women who say that i treat men with respect and admire his macho image. if you ever get to hear that statement never believe them because they are all liars. let me clearly tell you something , women are more chauvenistic than men. they degrade men in every way whether they do it directly or indirectly. the real truth is that women are fond of emasculating and degrading men. they find pleasure in humiliating men.Women think that it is right for them to degrade , humiliate and emasculate men. they think that the wife has every right to abuse or iltreat husband and the vice versa is considered as wrong. to such women who insult or abuse men , i curse them that they die of severe breast pain and there menstrual process should be painful like hell.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. Ok, I totally agree with everything written here.women are absolute abominations and to this conclusion i came after pushing myself to almost an extreme of trying to understand them, which i did.all i got to tell is that women are different creatures, in a man's perspective they look like crazy stupid whores (which they are,no exceptions), but to them it's all justified because they feel power, the kind of the most corrupt and backstabbing one which we ourselves gave,thinking its love.All women are whores and all men are stupid, following our emotions and thinking women should be treated extraordinarily, when instead, we should treat them like shit, they absolutely love it, it elevates you above them and makes them feel secure.Women have no sense of morality, friendship, companionship or real love whatsoever all they care about is materialistic crap and this must not ever be forgotten.

  162. Also I would like to add : behave like gods of this world, which you are, and there will be no problems with women

  163. i would also like to add one more. a woman who insults men , demeans men and insults men should die immediately after delivering a baby. their blood should flow from the uterus and a crack should develop in their uterus. they should die vommiting blood continously.

    1. I agree. Every woman should die at birth. If the child is male, save it. If the child is female, let it die painfully just as the mother. We need to kill them before they become sleazy, backstabbing whores.

  164. Honestly I'm fed up with women. All these previous posts have some essence of why I'm fed up.
    Their twisting of truths, cheating, arrogance, over-confidence, passivity, etc etc.
    One detail not mentioned is that when women bury their emotions only to later on royally FUCK YOU OVER! All you mature feminists/women, whatever, why can't you speak up right then and there when something bothers you. This pertains to arguments, workplace, relationships....
    Your timeless emotional response to an event that bothered you 7 years ago is not FUCKING fair to bring up 7 years later. ACTIVE VOICE TO THE PRIMARY PERSON? WHY IS THAT SO FUCKING HARD?
    I HATE YOU!!!

  165. ALL women deserve horrible, painful deaths. I don't give a flying fuck if you're 'innocent'. Men rule over women. We are the dominant species, filthy cunts. Don't you dare compare yourselves to us. Women are animals. Filthy fucking pigs. The ONLY way a woman is ever useful is in the kitchen. Make me a fucking sandwich exactly how I want it or risk the shit getting beat out of you. Don't walk around the house like you're fucking special. You will CRAWL when I call for you.

    I am fed up with women and their sneaky manipulation. I hope every fucking woman on earth dies slowly. Fuck, strap them to a rocket and send them to space. Their lungs will be torn to shreds as the air is ripped from them.

    Every woman giving birth deserves to bleed out. I hope her uterus fucking implodes. Ever firstborn female should be killed just as painfully. Save the firstborn male and then take that bitch out.

    My mother was a whore. She didn't give a shit about my father. She drank and drank until she got fucked. Fuck her. I will never be able to express how glad I am that she is dead and out of my life. I wish my father had the fucking guts to beat her bitch ass. Fuck abusive women.

    I hate women. I believe only INTENSE VIOLENCE will straighten them out. Fuck women.

    I will have sons only through artificial insemination; harvest the eggs and then down that fucking hoe.

  166. Yes, I use to love women with my whole being, now there are no words to express my hate for them. Never thought of myself as gay but the need for human affection and love has driven me that way. You sure won't get those things from women. And even the men that are just in it for sex are at least honest about it.
    A 33 year marriage where she left and took everything including my reputation and spread vile things about me to our friends, and then another marriage where she turned cold after a few years. Add that to all the conversations I have heard where two women are only concerned about if their potential dates make good money or not. Add that to the absolutely selfishness of women, "Because I deserve it" attitude. It just goes on and on. All I can say is never again. I had rather turn gay than to put up with dishonesty, self centered attitude, and the backing of the court system to systematically take every thing a man has earned and then brag about it.

    No More!

  167. The only true love is loving yourself, and then loving others.

    The problem with society today is that women and men receive so many messages that love will "complete" you, "fix" you, make you "whole".

    But one cannot be whole based on another person, because as soon as things go wrong the "wholeness" is lost.

    The entire Christian paradigm of "until death do you part" and "two flesh made into one" further exacerbates the situation. Please. Relationships have expiration dates. The fortunate ones find a stable relationship that indeed lasts until one partner dies, but the reality is that most of us will outlive our romances.

    I do agree that this push to make women more male-like in their sexuality and personality is causing massive issues, but that is a symptom of a much larger problem and not the problem itself.

    To all the men out there who hate women, don't. Rather, stop putting women on pedestals. Recognize that they are human. Put realistic boundaries on your relationships. And then when the woman in your life does something horrid, it won't affect you so deeply.

    And love yourself. I know it's difficult but you're stuck with yourself until you die, so may as well.


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