Wednesday, August 06, 2008

We'll never understand women!

From the Marketplace radio program on NPR, the episode dated July 31st, 2008 (emphasis mine):
Professors at Villanova University gathered a group of college-aged women together and showed them ads featuring thin models. Then, as thanks for participating, the women were offered a pack of Oreo cookies. The overwhelming majority said no to the cookies, but they did say they would buy the brands and products that the ads featured.

One researcher said the analysis went something like this: That thin models make women feel bad about themselves, but they like it, and that ads using normal-sized models didn't affect womens' body image, but they didn't like the brands and products that those ads featured either.

This is the reason why us normal men will never understand women. Something makes them feel bad about themselves. So, they like it? They're crazy, man!


  1. I could counter that with 'we'll never understand men' maybe we should learn to love the differences and not sweat the small stuff. Hope you are feeling more positive now, best wishes

  2. You are most welcome to counter that, Piscean. :-)

    I'm doing well. Thanks.

  3. We have been programmed to accept that the ideal is thin. When we see real know, curves and flesh...we see them as wrong, less than perfect. Somehow this must make us face our own imperfections. We're human. We want to be desirable. Media tells us we cant be desirable if we aren't thin and perfect. What it probably comes down to is the basic human need for love and companionship. We want it and to get it...according to the media...we have to be perfect or you men won't even consider looking at us. So, even though the thin models make us feel bad about ourselves, we want to be them so we will be desirable and find love and companionship. Someone that looks like us is obviously not attractive and will be alone. Just a few thoughts that came to mind while trying to wake up. ;-)

    Nice to see you posting again, my friend!

  4. What Laureen said.

    I think women are just used to it all and take it in from a much younger age than men do.

  5. Ditto Laureen and zendenizen.

    I just recently re-watched Little Miss Sunshine and the scene with Greg Kinnear trying to coax his daughter into not eating ice cream with the "ice cream makes you fat, and don't you want to be like the girls on Miss America who aren't fat?" speech hits the nail on the head.

    Anything connected to gorgeous thin women who men drool over = desirable thing to buy

    Brands attached to 'normal' women who rarely get a double-take = no thanks

    At the end of the day, men, women, kids who are men-and-women-in-the-making... we ALL want to be desired.

    It's that simple.



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