Sunday, April 29, 2007

Timing of Love

When we think 'compatibility' in a relationship, we usually think in terms of similar or complementary personal characters in two people. I am beginning to think that compatibility is more a function of time than of personal characteristics.

Timing is a major factor in a relationship, yet it is the least understood and gets the least attention. Two people can be totally different in character, preferences, etc. Yet, if they consistently have similar or complementary feelings at the same times, they can easily tide over other differences and enjoy a steady, compatible relationship.

This might well be the secret of those people who seem to be so different and yet get along so well in their relationships. In the same vein, lack of timing might be a major cause of angst and incompatibility between two people who may be very similar to each other, be very much in love, with potential for a great relationship, that is never fulfilled.

What is the use of feeling great yearning and tenderness for each other, but at totally different times? It is relatively better to not feel anything at all, cuz a lot of pain and agony would be avoided.

Blessed are they who are lucky enough to have the timing right... even if it is in death.

1 comment:

  1. Timing is my issue... always has been... i fear it always will be...


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