Friday, April 20, 2007

Worst-est Thing!

The worst-est thing that could happen after defeat, is to continue to live. Death is the best defeat one can hope for. Only few are fortunate enough to have it.


  1. someone who is the cause of one's defeat has no right to our life. *hugs*.

  2. I have the freedom to express myself too, so I suppose this comment just needs to get out here.

    One does not want to nitpick, one allows someone to misrepresent them ridiculously and one also wishes to be the distant or even if possible, good friend. Yet, you treat them as if they were the sole cause of your downfall, your hurt. You have NO answers to the questions they had ever asked, no answers when they were around.

    Now, you sit and whine endlessly. Your attitude is enraging, at the very least. And you are lashing out at people who wish to maintain dignity.

    Please rename your internet handle. Let no more innocent people be fooled. My blood boils when you lead your misguided online buddies to believe you are the ONLY one who was wronged. Everyone loses, everyone feels hurt when something precious dies. You do understand the word EVERYONE, don't you, or is your grief blocking out the vision of others' pain? So, stop being the martyr.

    And by the way, YOU are the cause of your defeat as much as anyone else is. These publicity stunts are meaningless.

  3. LL,
    Take care - death is not the answer or the cure all or balm for everything. One has no right to throw away a life.

    You are young, healthy and spring is here. Go enjoy the weather. There are some out there defeated by their own bodies/immune systems, lying in bed with some terminal disease. Their own cells are killing them.....Slowly. There aren't even people to visit them, and even if they visit, how much comfort can be give to one so sick?

    So enjoy your health. Each day is a gift. You have friends. Now GET OUT THERE AND WEAR A SMILE.


  4. I beg to differ. The worst-est thing that could happen after defeat, is giving up. Everyone's life comes in waves of highs and lows. Learn to surf. Ride the waves and see where they take you. If you don't, you'll never know what you missed.

    Well, enough of my yapping.

    This song says all that I cannot put into words. -

    Take Care

  5. We are the creators of our destiny not the victims of circumstance. I am saddened by your lack of accountability and the direction of life you have chosen. Here’s to hoping you find it in yourself to choose the more difficult and courageous path of living with love, compassion, forgiveness and peace and that your next entry shows the truly amazing man I am certain you are. Cheers.

  6. Lest any more people read this post and get disturbed/concerned, I just want to say this: it was posted at a time of late night loneliness and desperation. I am feeling much better now.

    Thanks to everyone who posted comments above, showed concern, etc.


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