Thursday, February 05, 2004

Zen from Your Own Swami

Posted on February 5, 2004 19:5 PM EST

The heart, I've discovered, is a funny little thing. Everytime you lose a piece of it, it only gets that much heavier!
- 14 June, 1999


Both the masculine and the feminine genders exist in all of us - physically, mentally, spiritually; only the percentage of each gender differs for each of us.


There have always been dreams because there are beauties like you, and there have always been dreamers because there are romantics like me.
- Sometime in mid-Aug '98


The SYNERGY Principle: every thing - animate and inanimate - is invariably attracted by only those things with which it can synergize.
- 14 Aug, 1998


Everything gets moved and shaken; there's more fun in being a mover and shaker (of yourself or of other things) than a moved and shaken.


We are perfect as we are. The purpose of all our learnings and experiences is not so much to teach us new lessons, as to help us realize and accept, with total self-confidence, with no doubt, that we are perfect... and to live that perfection.
- 7 Aug, 2000.


Gifts - including wealth and knowledge and healing and love - have a naturally tendency to be shared and distributed. For, that is what they are really intended for. So, they naturally flow to people who will share and distribute them.
- 5 Dec, 2000.


I am NOT strange or weird. It is just that my actions usually result from a sensitivity that is about a couple levels deeper, a mental process that is about a couple steps further, and imagination that has about a couple more degrees of freedom... than average!
- 11 Jun, 2000.


When I see all the beauty in the world, I am filled with joy.

And then, I THINK - if my life experiences so much beauty,
how much more beautiful it must be. And I am filled with more joy.

And then, I WONDER - if my life is so beautiful,
how beautiful must be my lover, with whom I share this life.
And I am filled with even more joy.

And then, I CONTINUE - if my lover is so beautiful,
how much more beautiful is the goddess, who is manifested as my lover.
And I am delirious with even more joy.

And then, I REALIZE - if my goddess is so beautiful,
how beautiful must be I, to have her in my life.
And I become intoxicated with more and more joy.

And then, I KNOW that we are all ONE - my goddess, my lover, me, all the beauty in the world.
And I am left with no choice but to twirl around with unlimited joy,
spin as a dervish, spin with the Universe, one with the wheel of Life and Love.

- Jul, 2001.


A poor individual might produce great art; a poor society cannot.
- Dec 2003


Bad enough to thrill you and keep you on your toes. Good enough to never hurt you.
- 4 Feb, 2004


When you feel a certain something for a person, you will see a certain something about her/him, even if she is stumbling over b.s.
- 14 Mar, 2005


If you are good at what you do, almost anything you do can get you laid. It is just a matter of finding the one/s who dig/s what you do.

- 13 May, 2005


Trends in popular fashion and popular beliefs lean towards the path which has the highest chances of helping one get laid. This is similar to popular career choices generally leaning towards the ones which get you maximum money and/or power and/or recognition! This is no different from certain birds, fish and whales migrating to locations which have the most favorable conditions for mating.

- 01 Sep, 2005


Almost everything that you can imagine in terms of sexual acts, has already been done before. Coming up with a truly novel sexual act is perhaps, one of the most difficult tasks in the world.

- 26 Sep, 2005


If your attitude/walk is such that your pallu cannot stay steady on your shoulder, even a blanket is not sufficient to cover your shame!

- 30 Sep, 2005

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